Government Budgets


Forest Preserve District of Cook County FY2015 Executive Budget Recommendation: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the Forest Preserve District of Cook County’s FY2015 proposed $187.4 million budget for holding the property tax levy relatively flat and minimizing the use of one-time resources. This balanced budget is very…


Civic Federation Supports FY2015 Forest Preserve District Budget

Report applauds level of public input in planning, warns of declining pension health In a report released today, the Civic Federation supports the $187.4 million budget proposed by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. The…


Civic Federation Supports FY2015 CTA Budget

Proposal reflects past work to secure pensions, modernize labor practices In an analysis released today, the Civic Federation supports the Chicago Transit Authority’s (CTA) proposed FY2015 operating budget of nearly $1.4 billion. The…


Chicago Transit Authority President's FY2015 Budget Recommendations: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the Chicago Transit Authority’s (CTA) proposed FY2015 budget of nearly $1.4 billion. The budget represents an improved level of fiscal stability made possible by the CTA’s efforts in past years to secure its…


Positive Economic Report Overshadowed by State Tax Policy

Nearly all indicators point to positive economic growth in the State of Illinois for the fifth consecutive year in 2015 but due to a change in income tax rates, State government finances remain in crisis. In a…


Here's what the numbers say about Rahm Emanuel

This article reviews the initiatives of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel during his first term in office. On the topic of City finance, the City’s general obligation debt has grown at a slower rate under his administration but some existing debt…


Cook County, Ill., May Face Tough Future After Balancing Budget

(The full content of this article is only available to the publication’s subscribers.) This article discusses the Civic Federation’s FY2015 Cook County Budget analysis. The Civic Federation supports the budget for closing a $168.9 million…


Civic Federation Supports Cook County's FY2015 Budget

Full Report Discusses Recent Progress, Fiscal Uncertainty Ahead In a report released today, the Civic Federation supports Cook County’s proposed FY2015 operating budget of $3.7 billion and praises the work of Board President Preckwinkle…


Cook County FY2015 Executive Budget Recommendation: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports Cook County’s proposed FY2015 operating budget of $3.7 billion for holding the property tax levy relatively flat and not including any new fines or fees. Instead, a $168.9 million shortfall is closed…


Civic Fed gives tepid marks to Emanuel’s 2015 budget

This article discusses the Civic Federation’s analysis of the FY2015 City of Chicago budget. The Civic Federation supports the budget for its structural…