Government Budgets


Can't fix Illinois' budget without tax hikes, Civic Federation says

This article discusses recommendations made in the FY2016 State Budget Roadmap, an annual report released by the Institute for Illinois' Fiscal Sustainability at the…


Civic Federation Proposes Five-Year Plan To Stabilize Illinois Budget While Protecting Essential Government Services

In a report released today, the Civic Federation’s Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability proposes a comprehensive five-year plan that responds to the dire reality of Illinois’ financial condition with painful, but necessary…


State of Illinois FY2016 Budget Roadmap

Prior to the release of the Governor’s annual budget recommendation, the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability at the Civic Federation releases an analysis of the State of Illinois’ fiscal condition and proposes a comprehensive…


Gov. Rauner suggests bankruptcy for towns to fight pension woes

This article discusses a proposal by Governor Bruce Rauner to allow cities, towns and counties in Illinois to file for bankruptcy protection. The Civic…


Forward Financial Thinking by the MWRD

A 2009 GFOA white paper identified long-term financial planning as the central tool for local governments to become financially resilient. Financial resiliency is…


Illinois Reduces Revenue Estimates for Corporate Income Taxes

The State of Illinois projected a major loss of income tax revenues in FY2015 due to the reduced rates for individuals and corporations that took effect on January 1, 2015. However, corporate income taxes have taken a steeper decline than…


Legislative Study Proposes New Rules to Strengthen State Rainy Day Fund

According to a recent study, the State of Illinois does not set aside enough revenue to account for fluctuations in its volatile tax sources and needs to improve its rules for making rainy day fund deposits in order to prepare for future…


Governor's Budget Projection Shows Consequences of Income Tax Rate Decline

A drop in Illinois’ income tax rates—and uncertainty about the implementation of pension changes—could cause the State’s backlog of unpaid bills to grow to $9.9 billion by the end of the 2016 budget year, according to a new forecast by…


Illinois faces sudden drop in state tax

This Marketplace Morning Report discusses the expiration of Illinois' temporary income tax increase on January 1, 2015. As discussed here, the reduction…


2014 Year in Review on the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability Blog

The following posts were among the most highly read on the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability’s blog in 2014 and represent the most closely followed Illinois fiscal issues of the year: State pension reform and the State budget…