Government Budgets


Governor-Elect Rauner Critiques Interfund Borrowing

On a preliminary trip to Springfield after winning the November election, Governor-elect Bruce Rauner held a press conference to draw attention to some of the gimmicks…


Civic Federation Supports FY2015 MWRD Budget

Full analysis praises District’s long-term planning, updated pension funding goal In an analysis released today, the Civic Federation supports the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District’s (MWRD) FY2015 Tentative Budget of $1.3 billion…


Metropolitan Water Reclamation District FY2015 Tentative Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District’s tentative budget of $1.3 billion and praises the organization’s continued use of long-term financial planning to guide its operations and future projects. …


Preview of Illinois’ FY2016 Budget Process

The Illinois House adjourned on Wednesday, December 3,…


Chicago Park District's FY2015 Budget Provides Increased Pension Funding Without a Property Tax Increase

In an analysis released today, the Civic Federation supports the Chicago Park District’s proposed FY2015 operating budget of $448.6 million. The proposal accommodates increased employer pension contributions mandated by the District’s 2014…


Chicago Park District FY2015 Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the Chicago Park District’s proposed FY2015 operating budget of $448.6 million that accommodates increased employer pension contributions mandated by the District’s 2014 pension reform legislation while…


Measuring the Productivity of the Chicago Transit Authority

The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) recently released its FY2015 proposed budget. While the Civic Federation traditionally analyzes features…


Illinois Attorney General Seeks Expedited Appeal of Pension Reform Case

Shortly after a Sangamon County Circuit Court Judge ruled that the pension reform law passed in Illinois almost a year ago violated the State constitution, Attorney General Lisa Madigan…


Chicago City Council passes Emanuel's $7.3 billion budget

This article follows the passage of Chicago’s FY2015 budget by a 46-4 City Council vote. The Civic Federation supported the budget in its November 3 analysis…


The Chicago Transit Authority's budget 'turnaround'

This editorial discusses financial improvements made by the Chicago Transit Authority in the past few years that have led to a more fiscally stable agency. It cites the Civic Federation’s…