Government Budgets


City Releases Annual Financial Analysis for 2014: Budget Projections Do Not Include Increase in Police and Fire Pension Fund Payments

This week the City of Chicago released its Annual Financial Analysis for 2014. According to an…


Emanuel’s 2015 budget puts off pension crisis for now

This article discuses an upcoming $550 million contribution to the City of Chicago’s police and fire pension funds. The City’s…


Chicago’s day of reckoning over pensions delayed

This article discusses the City of Chicago’s 2014 Annual Financial Analysis released July 31, which reviews…


Illinois' Revenues in FY2014 Exceed Expectations

According to recent reports, the State of Illinois’ operating revenues, which are expected to decline this year due to the partial rollback of State income tax rates,…


CPS Balances its FY2015 Budget with Accounting Maneuver that Changes the Time Period Used to Recognize Revenues

CPS is balancing its budget in FY2015 in large part by shifting the time period used to report revenues from 30 to 60 days. This will allow the District to access $648.0 million in revenues that it would not otherwise have been able to use…


Illinois’ Rating Reversed to Negative Due to Unbalanced Budget

Less than a month into the new fiscal year, which began on July 1, Standard and Poor’s announced that the financial outlook for the State has…


Watchdog group shreds Chicago public schools' 'gimmick-based' budget

This column discusses the Civic Federation’s analysis of the FY2015 Chicago Public Schools budget. The Civic Federation could not support the budget because it…


Groups blast CPS budget as 'shortsighted,' based on gimmicks

This article looks at the Chicago Public Schools FY2015 budget in advance of the Board of Education’s July 23 budget hearing. It discusses the Civic Federation’s…


Chicago Public Schools Budget Expected to be Approved

This article discusses Chicago Public School’s FY2015 budget, which the Board of Education is expected to approve at a July 23 hearing. The Civic Federation’s recent…


CPS FY2015 Budget: Another Short-Sighted and Gimmick-Based Stopgap for District

In an analysis released today, the Civic Federation announced that it cannot support the Chicago Public Schools’ (CPS) short-sighted FY2015 budget because it does nothing to address the District’s grave fiscal crisis. The proposed $6.8…