Government Budgets


Chicago Public Schools FY2015 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation does not support Chicago Public Schools proposed $6.8 billion budget for FY2015. The short-sighted budget does nothing to address the District’s grave fiscal crisis and is balanced only by an accounting maneuver that…


Millennium Park built 'the Chicago Way'

This article details a decade of leases, deals and debts related to Millennium Park—a park originally envisioned as a $150 million open green space that would be no cost to taxpayers. The Civic Federation said the lack of financial…


City Colleges of Chicago FY2015 Tentative Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the City Colleges tentative FY2015 budget totaling $723.5 million for reflecting the District’s continued commitment to sound financial practices and prudent planning. The FY2015 tentative budget holds the…


Civic Federation Supports City Colleges FY2015 Budget

District continues dramatic improvement of its financial practices, planning In an analysis released today, the Civic Federation supports the City Colleges of Chicago’s proposed FY2015 budget of $723.5 million which reflects the District’…


CPS issues $5.8 billion preliminary budget

This article covers Chicago Public Schools’ July 2 budget announcement, which includes a plan to count 30 days of FY2016 revenue toward the FY2015 budget to help fill a projected FY2015 deficit nearing $1 billion. The Civic Federation said…


CPS finds money to plug $800 million hole in 2015 budget

This article discusses the budget plan announced by Chicago Public Schools July 2 that includes extending the period in which the District will collect property tax revenue by an additional 30 days to August. The Civic Federation said it…


Cook County Issues Preliminary Budget Forecast for FY2015

On June 26, 2014, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle issued a preliminary budget forecast for fiscal…


Governor Signs Illinois' Operating Budget but Vetoes Capitol Complex Upgrades

Despite criticizing the General Assembly for not passing an adequate budget for the new fiscal year, Governor Pat Quinn…


The Illinois Income Tax: A Significant Source of Revenue for Local Governments

Under Illinois law, the State is required to share a certain portion of state income tax receipts with municipal and county governments…


Chicago Faces Significant Swaps Liabilities if Bond Rating Lowered Again

The City of Chicago currently has the lowest rated credit of any major city in the country according to Moody’s Investors Service.  At Baa1, the long-term bond rating is still several levels above…