Government Budgets


Forest Preserve District of Cook County FY2013 Budget Analysis

The Civic Federation supports the Forest Preserve District of Cook County’s FY2013 proposed $190.3 million budget for its discipline in identifying non-tax revenue sources to hold the property tax levy flat for the fourth year in a row…


State Budget Reform Group Takes Aim at Mandates

In its second annual report issued earlier this month, the Illinois…


City of Chicago Pensions See Continued Decline

As highlighted in the Civic Federation’s analysis of the proposed FY2013 City of Chicago budget and discussed in last week’s…


Civic Federation approves of city’s 2013 budget

This article covers the Civic Federation’s analysis and support of the City of Chicago FY2013 Proposed Budget. Actions to close a $298 million budget gap reflect better…


Civic Federation Supports City's FY2013 Proposed Budget

On October 31, 2012, the Civic Federation released its analysis of the City of Chicago’s…


Chicago Budget Continues Much-Needed Restructuring of City Government: Civic Federation urges immediate work with unions, State legislators on pensions

In a report released today, the Civic Federation announced its support for the City of Chicago’s proposed $6.5 billion FY2013 budget which reduces the City’s reliance on one-time revenue sources while restructuring City government through…


City of Chicago FY2013 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the City of Chicago’s FY2013 proposed $6.5 billion budget which reduces the City’s reliance on one-time revenue sources while restructuring City government through better managing personnel expenditures.…


Report Shows Illinois Infrastructure Needs Exceed $300 Billion

A national report on state budget issues released this week details the ongoing operating budget problems in Illinois and highlights the State’s dire need to invest in its neglected infrastructure. According to the State Budget Crisis Task…


Drop in State's PPRT Distributions Mean Less Revenue for City

Last week, the Civic Federation’s Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability published a blog on the State of Illinois’ Personal Property…


CPS Releases Amended FY2013 Budget

Last week, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) issued an amended FY2013 budget plan based on the new contract agreement between the District and the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU). The revised budget includes an additional $103 million in spending…