Government Budgets


State’s FY2013 Budget Skimps on Group Health Insurance

The State of Illinois budget for fiscal year 2013 underfunds the expected cost of State group health insurance by at least $550 million, paving the way for a significant increase in unpaid bills unless more spending is authorized later…


$5.73 billion CPS budget includes 2 percent raises for teachers

On July 6, Chicago Public Schools announced its proposed 2012-2013 budget, which covers a $665 million deficit through a combination of cutting operations, raising property taxes and using $432 million in reserves to avoid significant…


Chicago schools plan to empty bank account in 2013

This blog discusses plans announced by Chicago Public Schools (CPS) to drain its unrestricted reserve fund to help balance a proposed $5.16 billion spending plan for 2012-2013. The Government Finance Officers Association recommends…


Cook County Releases FY2013 Preliminary Budget Estimates

On June 27, 2012, the Office of Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle released its annual Preliminary Budget…


Cook County Health System Faces Continued Revenue Challenges

Cook County’s public health system faces significant financial challenges in fiscal year 2013, although the outlook could improve if the federal government signs off on…


State Pension Facts: The Cost of COLAs for Illinois Teachers

In light of the State of Illinois’ pension funding crisis, it has become more widely understood that the annual Cost of Living Adjustment, or COLA, plays a large role…


For many state budgets, a year of relief

This article looks at the fiscal health of states around the country coming out of the recession. While many states are experiencing economic recovery, Illinois and California are still facing large budget gaps. The Civic Federation said…


Enterprise Zone Reform Awaits Governor’s Approval

As part of the spring legislative session, the Illinois General Assembly approved a sweeping reform measure intended to add transparency, accountability and competition to the State’s…


Update on State’s Backlog of Unpaid Medicaid Bills

State of Illinois officials expect unpaid Medicaid bills to decline to $600 million by the end of the 2013 budget year, but that prediction depends on…


Record tax hike isn’t fixing Illinois’ problems

This article discusses the State of Illinois’ mounting fiscal challenges which persist despite a major income tax increase enacted in January 2011. The Civic Federation warns that Illinois already has the worst credit rating of all 50…