Government Budgets


Civic Federation Recommendations Regarding Changes to Fund Balance Reporting Standards

Earlier this year, the Civic Federation published a blog describing the recent changes to the standards for how governments report fund balance. Fund balance…


Pensions Consume Growing Share of State Revenues

On August 17, 2012, Illinois legislators adjourned a special one-day session of the General Assembly…


Chicago Public Schools Approves FY2013 Budget

On July 19, 2012, the Civic Federation released its analysis of the proposed FY2013 budget for Chicago Public Schools (CPS) in anticipation of the Board of Education’s vote on the budget…


Schools budget up for vote, final plan still uncertain

This article discusses uncertainty surrounding the Chicago Public Schools' FY2013 budget. The FY2013 budget will remain unresolved after today's vote by the Chicago Board of Education because…


State’s FY2013 Budget Still Missing Significant Components

The State of Illinois’ enacted budget for FY2013 is missing key components needed to carry out the General Assembly’s spending plan, according to a recent filing in…


Part Two on City of Chicago's Annual Financial Analysis for 2012 -- Pension Liabilities and Long-Term Debt

(Click here to read part one of this two-part look at the City's Annual Financial Analysis.) Last week, the City of Chicago released its…


Civic Federation Releases Illinois Enterprise Zone Issue Brief

Earlier today, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed legislation intended to add transparency, accountability and competition to the State’s…


Illinois Enterprise Zones: An Issue Brief

This issue brief examines how enterprise zones currently operate in Illinois. Enterprise zones are geographic areas designed by state and/or local governments to stimulate economic growth and create or retain jobs in economically depressed…


City’s Financial Forecast

This segment gives an overview of the City of Chicago’s fiscal health following the July 31 release of the City’s Annual Financial Analysis, which projects a deficit of $369.0 million in FY2013. Civic…


City debt payments poised to soar next year, further clouding budget

 The City of Chicago released its Annual Financial Analysis on July 31, showing that debt payments are expected to rise next year by $278 million to a record level of $1.55 billion. The Civic…