Government Budgets


Illinois Lacks an Executive-Legislative Consensus on Revenue Estimates

An important first step in preparing a government budget is the preparation and publication of revenue estimates for the upcoming fiscal year. The estimates provide the basis for the spending decisions that are subsequently incorporated…


Chicago Wins Lowest Cost Since ’09 Making Cubs Pay: Muni Credit

This article discusses the $500 million Wrigley Field renovation proposal which will be financed by the Cubs franchise without the use of municipal bonds. The Civic Federation said Mayor Emanuel’s decision to withhold public money shows he…


Poll: Wealthiest Investors More Concerned in Illinois

This article discusses a Morgan Stanley Wealth Management poll result that 93 percent of high net worth investors in the Chicago area are worried about the state’s financial well-being despite general optimism about the national and global…


CPS Proposes to Increase FY2013 Capital Budget by $363.7 Million

UPDATE: At its April 24, 2013 meeting, the Chicago Board of Education approved the District’s amended FY2013 capital budget. Original blog published on April 17, 2013 On April 6th Chicago Public Schools (CPS) released its…


Conference on Economic Development Explores Strategies for Difficult Fiscal Times

The Civic Federation joined with the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago on April 4, 2013 to co-host a conference on economic development strategies during difficult fiscal times. Experts and practitioners from California, Michigan and the…


Governor Proposes Reduced State Funding for Local Governments and Mass Transit

Faced with rising pension costs and modest revenue growth, Governor Pat Quinn has recommended a reduction in State of Illinois funding for local governments and statewide public transportation. In his…


City's Quarterly Budget Report Shows Increased Revenues, Exhausted Claims and Judgement Budget

On February 20, 2012 Mayor Emanuel released the City of…


State Requests Extension for Cook County Medicaid Expansion Plan

The State of Illinois has asked the federal government to extend Cook County’s Medicaid expansion plan to ensure that recipients remain covered after the end of 2013. In a letter on…


Startup Sees Profit in State’s Financial Woes

This article reports on Vendor Assistance Program LLC, a Chicago startup aiming to profit by advancing money to vendors that are owed payments from the State of Illinois. The Civic Federation’s…


Governor Proposes Corporate Tax Changes to Pay Down Bills

Governor Pat Quinn has proposed eliminating several corporate tax incentives to help pay down the State’s backlog of unpaid bills that is expected to total $7.5 billion at the end of the current fiscal year. The Governor’s proposal would…