Government Budgets


Update on Eligibility Screening for Medicaid

An effort to clear Illinois’ Medicaid program of ineligible enrollees has led to the removal of 128,700 participants, but State savings are expected to be far lower than hoped by lawmakers, according to testimony at a legislative hearing…


Direct Debt Per Capita for Six Illinois Municipalities

Last week the Civic Federation blog featured an analysis of long-term obligations for six selected municipalities in Illinois and their…


New Laws Aim to Improve State Budget Disclosure

Several recently enacted laws are designed to increase public access to information about the State of Illinois’ budget and improve other aspects of the State’s budget process. The following table lists budget-related legislation signed by…


Unfunded Pension Liabilities Per Capita for Six Illinois Municipalities

The blogs for this week and next week will examine the long-term obligations of six selected municipalities in Illinois and their overlapping local governments using per capita indicators based on unfunded pension liabilities and bonded…


CPS finances will be worse next year

In this segment, Civic Federation President Laurence Msall discusses the findings of the Federation’s FY2014 Chicago Public Schools Budget Analysis. The Civic Federation…


Editorial: Teacher pensions have to take a hit

This editorial discusses the need for pension reform for Chicago Public Schools and District officials’ failure to detail a pension plan. The editorial cites the Civic Federation’s…


Lack of pension fix jeopardizes Chicago school finances

This article covers the release of the Civic Federation’s FY2014 Chicago Public Schools Budget Analysis. The Civic Federation did not support the budget, which completely…


CPS finances worse despite school closures, Civic Federation says

This article discusses key findings from the Civic Federation’s FY2014 Chicago Public Schools Budget Analysis. The District’s financial situation continues to deteriorate…


Cook County Health System FY2014 Budget Tied to CountyCare

UPDATE: On August 23, 2013, the preliminary FY2014 budget of the Cook County Health and Hospitals System was unanimously approved by the Health System's Board of Directors. The Cook County Board is expected to vote on the plan in October.…


State Funding for Chicago Public Schools

At the end of the month, the Board of Education for Chicago Public Schools will vote on the District’s $5.6 billion operating budget for FY2014. The total budget of $6.6 billion is supported by local, state and federal revenues and other…