Government Budgets


Chicago Park District FY2007 Operating Budget Recommendations: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supported the Chicago Park District's FY2007 Budget because the District did not raise its property tax levy this year, and has held down operating costs through a combination of careful management practices,…


Civic Federation Applauds Fiscal Restraint in Parks Budget

CIVIC FEDERATION APPLAUDS FISCAL RESTRAINT IN PARKS BUDGET Urges Pension and Employee Benefit Reform to Control Costs CHICAGO – Praising a combination of careful management practices, prudent privatization initiatives, and creative public-…


Alternative Service Delivery: A Civic Federation Issue Brief

This issue brief describes various forms of privatization available to the public sector, including asset sales, contracting out of management, corporatization, internal markets, intergovernmental contracts, managed competition, and…


DuPage County FY2007 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports DuPage County's FY2007 budget because the County has reduced spending by over twenty-five percent since 2003, and has focused on cost reduction before seeking revenue increases. The Civic Federation cautions…


DuPage Budget OK in Short-Term but Must Modernize

Reform and Rationalization Necessary to Avoid Continual Tax Increases The Civic Federation announced its support for the $469.5 million proposed FY2007 DuPage County preliminary budget on Monday, citing a combination of prudent fiscal…


Chicago Transit Authority FY2007 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation opposes the CTA's FY2007 budget because it relies on 110 million dollars in additional state support which has not been guaranteed, and provides no detailed contingency plan. The Federation recommends that the CTA…


Civic Federation Opposes Unbalanced CTA Budget

(CHICAGO) – “A spending plan based on the hope of $110 million in new money from the state is neither balanced nor financially responsible,” said Laurence Msall, president of the Civic Federation. The Federation announced its opposition to…


Forest Preserve District of Cook County FY2007 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the Forest Preserve District's proposed 164.5 million budget because the District has made important steps toward professionalization of its operations, including the issuance of a Capital Improvement Plan.…


City of Chicago FY2007 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the City of Chicago's proposed $5.7 billion budget but has serious concerns about the poor health of the City's pension funds and the low level of reserve funds for contingencies.


Civic Federation Supports Forest Preserve District Budget, Encourage by First Ever Capital Plan

(CHICAGO) – Citing the creation of its first capital improvement plan (CIP) and other notable strides toward more professional operations and financial management, the Civic Federation announced its support of the Forest Preserve District…