Government Budgets


Civic Federation Warns FY2009 City Colleges Budget Not Sustainable

CIVIC FEDERATION WARNS FY2009 CITY COLLEGES BUDGET NOT SUSTAINABLE Tax-to-the Max Budget Wrong for Current Economic Climate The Civic Federation announced today that it has strong reservations about the long-term sustainability of the $…


A Call for the Dissolution and Restructuring of the Illinois International Port District

This report calls for the dissolution of the Illinois International Port District and the transfer of its operations to the City of Chicago. It finds that the District has shifted its primary focus from port operations to the management of…


State of Illinois FY2009 Recommended Operating Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation opposes the unaffordable program expansions and long-term borrowing proposed in the FY2009 State budget recommendation, but supports the proposed 3% cut from non-priority agencies and other efforts to streamline and…


State of Illinois Constitutional Convention Fiscal Issues

This issue brief provides an overview of some state and local fiscal issues that could be considered at a new Illinois Constitutional Convention. The proposals described do not necessarily reflect positions of the Civic Federation, but are…


Selected Consumer Taxes in the City of Chicago

This brief provides a compilation of selected consumer taxes, including rates and descriptions, in place in the City of Chicago as of October 4, 2007. It includes such taxes as the sales tax, gas tax, amusement tax, lease tax, liquor tax,…


Civic Federation 2008 Legislative Priorities

The Civic Federation's legislative priorities for 2008 include public pension reform, tax increment financing disclosure, creation of a separate board of commissioners for the Cook County Forest Preserve District, school financial…


Status of Local Pension Funding Fiscal Year 2006: An Evaluation of Ten Local Government Pension Funds in Cook County

This report provides a trend analysis of indicators that measure the financial health and performance of ten major local government pension funds from 1997 to 2006. It finds a combined 18.3 billion dollars in unfunded liabilities for the…


Civic Federation Supports Long-Sighted MWRD Budget

Citing a combination of exemplary long-range planning and restraint in its property tax levy, the Civic Federation announced its support for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District’s tentative FY2008 budget of $1.4 billion. The…


Metropolitan Water Reclamation District FY2008 Tentative Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the MWRD's FY2008 Budget because it minimizes the burden on taxpayers and demonstrates sound financial planning techniques. The Civic Federation is concerned about the declining funded ratio of the MWRD…


Cook County Bureau of Health Services Independent Board of Directors

The Civic Federation supports the work of the Cook County Bureau of Health Services Review Committee and the Task Force on Independent Governance of the Cook County Bureau of Health on establishing an independent governing board for the…