Government Budgets


Chicago Park District FY2008 Operating Budget Recommendations: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supported the Chicago Park District's FY2008 Budget because the District did not raise its property tax levy this year, and has continued to hold down operating costs through a combination of careful management…


Civic Federation Applauds Park District's Taxing Restraint

CIVIC FEDERATION APPLAUDS PARK DISTRICT’S TAXING RESTRAINT Supports Rare “Good News” Budget for Overburdened Chicago Taxpayers In a year when far too many governments in the Chicago region have proposed huge tax increases, the Chicago…


DuPage County FY2008 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports DuPage County's proposed FY2008 $420.4 million budget, which includes a 12.1% or $60.1 million decrease in spending over the previous year and calls for the elimination of 10% of the workforce or 241 full-time…


Civic Federation Supports Fiscally Responsible DuPage County Budget Cuts

DuPage County faces serious fiscal challenges that have left it with no responsible choice but to make deep spending cuts next year, the Civic Federation found in its analysis of the $480.5 million recommended county budget. The full…


Tax Increment Financing (TIF): A Civic Federation Position Statement

The Civic Federation supports Tax Increment Financing as an economic development tool but recommends that there be much greater transparency in the quantity and quality of TIF information provided to the public. The Federation recommends…


Tax Increment Financing (TIF): A Civic Federation Issue Brief

This report explains the impact of TIF on taxpayers and local governments in Illinois. It also reviews the TIF designation process, recent empirical research on TIF, and provides detailed information on selected City of Chicago TIF…


Chicago Transit Authority FY2008 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the CTA's proposed $1.0 billion FY2008 budget because it makes the necessary fare and service changes to create a blanced budget for the coming fiscal year. The Federation calls on the General Assembly and…


Civic Federation Supports Responsible, Balanced CTA Budget

Urges Immediate Passage of Comprehensive Reform Package in Senate Bill 572 The Civic Federation supports Chicago Transit Authority President Ron Huberman’s proposed $1.0 billion FY2008 budget because it makes necessary fare increases and…


The Civic Federation Supports FY2007 Chicago Budget

THE CIVIC FEDERATION SUPPORTS FY2007 CHICAGO BUDGET Remains Concerned about Pension Funds in Crisis (CHICAGO) – The Civic Federation released its independent analysis of Mayor Daley’s proposed city of Chicago budget today. The Federation…


City of Chicago FY2008 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation opposes the City of Chicago's proposed $5.9 billion budget. The budget proposes an additional $266.6 million in new spending and includes a $108.0 million property tax increase, the largest in recent Chicago history.…