Government Budgets


Illinois Stops Paying Its Bills, But Can’t Stop Digging Hole

This article describes how Illinois' budget crisis is affecting schools, universities and social services across the state. The Civic Federation is quoted saying that the State's budget situation has been getting worse, financed by more…


Governor Announces Cuts, But FY2011 Budget Remains Unbalanced

On July 1, 2010—the first day of the State of Illinois’ FY2011 fiscal year—Governor Pat Quinn said that his budget for the new year will contain major spending cuts. However, most of the reductions have yet to be determined and the FY2011…


Sales Taxes: Reports and Projections

Last month the State of Illinois Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (COGFA) released a report entitled “…


Experts Weigh In On Fixing Illinois

This article about Governor Quinn’s plan to sign the FY2011 Illinois budget passed by the Illinois General Assembly mentions that State legislators have not followed recommendations made by the Civic Federation in its analyses of the State…


States struggle to balance budgets

This National Public Radio segment is about how some states are struggling to cope with massive budget deficits. Civic Federation President Laurence Msall says Illinois’ fiscal troubles – 30 years in the making and rooted partially in the…


Public plans take knife to benefits

This article is about how state pension systems around the country are coping with the effects of the financial crisis. The Civic Federation comments on the State of Illinois’ recent pension reforms, saying that the reforms are a good…


Pensions costly, but they’re no Cadillacs

This editorial discusses recent efforts to overhaul the State of Illinois’ public pension systems and reduce its unfunded liabilities. It mentions a Civic Federation proposal to eliminate the income tax exemption for pension income in…


Editorial: Answer call to action

This editorial about Illinois’ perilous fiscal condition features Civic Federation commentary about the State of Illinois’ fiscal crisis and mentions recommendations made by the Federation in its “Fiscal Rehabilitation Plan for the State…


Editorial: State denial

This editorial about the options Illinois has to balance its budget focuses on recommendations made by the Civic Federation in its “Fiscal Rehabilitation Plan for the State of Illinois.”


Pension Holiday in FY2011 Estimated to Cost $12.5 Billion

The State of Illinois has yet to determine how it will handle its required pension contributions for FY2011. However, a recent analysis by the Commission on…