Government Budgets


City Colleges Tuition Costs Still Competitive

On August 5, the Civic Federation released its analysis of the FY2011 City Colleges Tentative Annual Operating…


CPS budget includes layoffs, pay freezes, furloughs

This article is about the personnel cuts, pay freezes, and furlough days in the Chicago Public Schools’ proposed $6.4 billion budget as well as the District’s plan to use the entirety of its $190 million reserve fund to help balance the…


A Balancing Act for CPS

This article discusses the Chicago Public Schools’ plan to close a $370 million budget gap through a combination of personnel cuts, pay freezes, and the use of all of its reserve funds. The Civic Federation says the District’s plan to…


Funding from federal jobs bill could restore public school program cuts

This article is about Chicago Public Schools’ possible receipt of funding from the recent federal jobs bill, which could be used to restore class sizes and school programs. The Civic Federation says CPS should be cautious about making…


What Governor Quinn’s Infusion of Capital Cash Means for the CTA

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn recently announced his plans for $500 million in mass transit infrastructure improvements across the State. $…


City studies options for $655 million budget hole

This article explores the challenges Mayor Daley faces in filling the City of Chicago’s $655 million budget gap. One of the options being considered involves using proceeds from the City’s recent privatization deals. The Civic Federation…


Parking Meters Company Posts Profit While City’s Bank is Low

This news segment details how the City of Chicago had only $2.7 million in reserves at the end of FY2009. The Civic Federation says the City should have cash reserves of at least $200 million given the size of its operating budget.


Msall: Daley Should Restructure Services to Balance Budget

In this news segment, Civic Federation President Laurence Msall explains that restructuring the City of Chicago’s government is the only fix for the City’s unbalanced budget. Msall adds the City could institute a grid-based system for some…


Governor Reveals FY2011 Agency Budget Cuts

Roughly a month ago, on July 1, 2010, Governor Pat Quinn announced that he planned to cut $1.1 billion from the $26.0 billion FY2011 State of Illinois budget previously approved by the General Assembly. At that time, the Governor did not…


Reasonable City Colleges Budget Lessens Impact on Taxpayers, But Lacks Specific Plan to Bridge Future Budget Gaps

The Civic Federation will announce its support for the proposed $581.9 million FY2011 City Colleges of Chicago budget at a public hearing today. The Federation’s 41-page analysis found that the proposed budget plans a $3.0 million…