Government Budgets


Civic group gives CPS budget cool OK

This article explores findings in the Civic Federation’s analysis of Chicago Public Schools’ $6.5 billion FY2011 proposed budget. It notes the Federation’s opposition to the District’s plans to deplete its reserve funds and take a partial…


CPS Budget Plan Receives a Grim Warning

In this news segment, Civic Federation President Laurence Msall explains the Civic Federation’s analysis of Chicago Public Schools’ FY2011 proposed budget.


Chicago Public Schools looks to balance budget on shaky foundation: Civic Federation

This article discusses findings in the Civic Federation’s analysis of the Chicago Public Schools FY2011 proposed budget. The article mentions the Federation’s warnings about the future budget gap created by a partial pension holiday over…


CPS Officials Say They Plan on Restructuring the District’s Debt

This segment on the City Room news program discusses a Chicago Public Schools plan to restructure its debt instead of depleting its reserve fund in order to balance its budget as originally proposed. The segment mentions the Civic…


Town Hall Looks At State’s Budget Hole

This article is about a presentation by Civic Federation President Laurence Msall at St. Augustine College on August 19 about the State of Illinois’ budget troubles. Mr. Msall explained that comprehensive budget cuts and pension and tax…


Chicago Board of Ed Adopts $6.5 Billion Budget Including Debt Restructuring

This article details the Chicago Board of Education’s adoption of a revised FY2011 budget that relies on the restructuring of debt to bridge a budget gap. The Civic Federation says it expressed concerns over the District’s original…


Future Effects of P.A. 96-0889 on CPS Pension System

On Monday the Civic Federation released its analysis of the Chicago Public Schools FY2011 proposed budget.…


Civic Federation: Chicago Public Schools Budget is a Short-Term Solution to a Long-Term Crisis

Spending Plan Exposes District to Greater Financial Risk in the Future The Civic Federation supports the FY2011 proposed Chicago Public Schools budget of $6.5 billion as an adequate plan to close a large deficit and ensure continued access…


Chicago Public Schools FY2011 Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the Chicago Public Schools proposed $6.5 billion budget for FY2011, which is a reduction of 5.9% or $402.3 million from the proposed FY2010 budget. The proposed budget offers a short-term solution to the…


State of Illinois Owes $730 Million in Corporate Tax Refunds

It’s no secret that the financially troubled State of Illinois owes billions of dollars in unpaid bills. What is not as widely known is that the State also owes $730 million in corporate income tax refunds, according to the Illinois…