Government Efficiency and Transparency


Cook County Board spending way more on staffs than collar county boards

This article discusses the cost to Cook County taxpayers of separate staffs for each of the 17 Cook County Commissioners. Civic Federation President Laurence Msall remarks that the situation lends itself to further examination and notes…


Evanston Township Dissolution Saves Taxpayers Nearly $780,000

The City of Evanston recently released a white paper on the initial results following the dissolution of its coterminous township. Based on the results…


Cook County Electorate to Vote on Referendum to Merge the Recorder of Deeds with the County Clerk

On June 29, 2016 the Cook County Board of Commissioners voted to approve a resolution to present a public question via a binding countywide referendum…


16 solutions to Chicago's most vexing problems

This article discusses a recent Chicago conference that featured expert panelists who discussed solutions to the City’s biggest challenges. As a panelist, Civic Federation President Laurence Msall gave his insight on the City of Chicago’s…


McCormick Place Plan For Lucas Museum Under Scrutiny

This article discusses the City of Chicago’s billion-dollar plan to build the George Lucas Museum of Narrative Art that will require borrowing and tax increases. Laurence Msall, President of the Civic Federation, explains that until an…


Emanuel’s risky pension assumption forces city to borrow $220M

This article reports on payments made to Chicago's police and fire pension funds using $220 million in short-term borrowing. Laurence Msall, President of the Civic Federation, called the borrowing an unfortunate, expensive, yet…


The Task Force on Local Government Consolidation and Unfunded Mandates Makes its Recommendations to the Governor

The Civic Federation has long supported legislation aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations in Illinois by consolidating or abolishing redundant and/or anachronistic local governments.…


'Insolvent': City of Harvey is worse than broke, experts say

This article discusses that the city of Harvey, a south suburb of Chicago, is in serious financial trouble with millions of dollars unaccounted for. President of the Civic Federation, Laurence Msall, notes that the lack of records and…


Popular Annual Financial Reports: The Potential for Increased Transparency, Accountability and Public Inclusion

Popular Annual Financial Reports: The Potential for Increased Transparency, Accountability and Public InclusionThe Civic Federation has long encouraged government transparency and accountability, both of which are emphasized in our…


Fare Game: When do CTA Buses Break Even?

This Curious City segment on the CTA asks “How many fares does it take for a bus to get to the break even point?” The Civic Federation said the concept of breaking even is not a reasonable expectation for the public agency; rather that the…