Government Efficiency and Transparency


Civic Federation Supports Cook County's FY2019 Budget

(CHICAGO) In a report released today, the Civic Federation announced support for Cook County’s proposed FY2019 budget. The $5.9 billion budget proposal is structurally balanced without raising new taxes and continues the practice of making…


Cook County FY2019 Executive Budget Recommendation: Analysis and Recommendations

Click here to read the full report. The Civic Federation supports Cook County’s proposed FY2019 budget of $5.9 billion…


Transform Illinois Holds 4th Annual Awards Event Honoring Government Reform Efforts

The Civic Federation is a member of Transform Illinois, a coalition of organizations committed to greater government efficiency. Transform Illinois held its fourth annual…


Park Districts in Illinois

The latest in a series about local governments, this blog post examines the number of park districts in Illinois, including an analysis of the number of park districts by county. The park districts examined in this blog are stand-alone…


New Cook County Bond Court Data Posted Online

Following major policy changes and calls for increased public disclosure, detailed quarterly information about Cook County bond court orders and outcomes is now available online.Chief Judge Timothy Evans’ Office began posting the new data…


Metropolitan Water Reclamation District FY2018 Tentative Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

Click here to read the full report. The Civic Federation supports the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District’s Tentative FY2018…


Report: Judging bail reform impossible because officials withhold key data

This article discusses the recent release of a Civic Federation report that calls on Cook County criminal justice officials to more fully disclose critical criminal…


Civic Federation Calls For Increase In Publicly Available Data From Cook County Criminal Justice System

Financial Impact of Recent Decline in Jail Population Remains Elusive (CHICAGO) In a report released today, the Civic Federation called on Cook County’s Chief Judge and Sheriff to follow the practices of other large metropolitan…


The Impact of Cook County Bond Court on Jail Population: A Call for Increased Public Data and Analysis

Click here to read the full report.Across the political spectrum in the United States, there is a growing consensus that too many people…


The Multiplicity of Local Governments in Northeastern Illinois

With by far the largest number of local governments in the nation, the Civic Federation has long advocated for a sensible approach to consolidation and collaboration to reduce the number of local governments in Illinois and improve their…