Government Budgets


Emanuel projects $426 million shortfall — even with several rosy assumptions

This article reviews findings in the City of Chicago’s Annual Financial Analysis, released July 31. The Civic Federation said the only thing that can improve Chicago’s financial position is a comprehensive plan that relies on sustainable…


Emanuel needs $754M more to make ends meet

This article examines the projected deficit of $426 million reported in the City of Chicago’s Annual Financial Analysis, which does not include additional…


That pension ruling will cost taxpayers $200 million a year

This article discusses the impact taxpayers could feel following a July 24 court ruling that struck down reforms for the City of Chicago’s police and fire pension funds. The Civic Federation said that without the reforms, it is highly…


Chicago preliminary budget estimate shows huge shortfall

This article covers the $426 million budget deficit projected in the City of Chicago’s Annual Financial Analysis released July 31. The $426 million budget gap does not include nearly $550 million in additional contributions required by…


Why Illinois Lawmakers Stand to Receive Pay Increases

More than three weeks into fiscal year 2016, the State of Illinois continues to operate without an annual budget. Despite the lack of a budget…


Illinois Starts New Fiscal Year Without a Budget

The State of Illinois’ new fiscal year began on July 1, 2015 without an annual budget and with no clear end in sight to the impasse between Governor Bruce Rauner and the General Assembly. On July 9, the legislature was…


Emanuel's City Colleges tuition changes will drive up costs for some

This article discusses a shift by City Colleges of Chicago to a flat-rate tuition structure that would take effect as of the fall 2015 semester. It cites the Civic Federation’s…


Tuition increases coming for Chicago's City Colleges

This radio segment reviews the new flat-rate tuition structure being introduced by City Colleges of Chicago ahead of the fall 2015 school year. The Civic Federation said in its…


Civic Federation Supports City Colleges' FY2016 Budget

Proposal Holds Property Tax Levy Flat and Introduces Flat-Rate Tuition Structure In an analysis released today, the Civic Federation supports the City Colleges of Chicago’s proposed FY2016 operating budget of $695.6 million because it…


City Colleges of Chicago FY2016 Tentative Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the City Colleges tentative FY2016 budget totaling $695.6 million because it continues to minimize the financial burden placed on taxpayers by avoiding a property tax increase at a time when other local…