Government Budgets


Mayor Emanuel’s budget includes massive property tax hike

This segment covers Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s FY2016 proposed budget released September 22, which includes a $543 million property tax increase phased in over four years, along with several other new targeted fees and taxes. The Civic…


Chicago faces historic tax hike to fund mountain of debt

This segment reviews the property tax increase aimed at addressing Chicago’s underfunded pension systems that was proposed as part of the FY2016 City of Chicago budget released September 22. The Civic Federation said this tax increase…


Chicago residents concerned about property tax hike

This segment covers the proposed FY2016 City of Chicago budget released September 22, which includes a $543 million property tax increase that would be phased in over four years. The Civic Federation said the increase won’t solve all of…


Op-ed: Coming Tuesday: Emanuel's make-or-break budget for Chicago

The following opinion piece by Civic Federation President Laurence Msall was published by the


Illinois Infrastructure Crumbles Amid Budget Warfare

This article reviews a report released by the University of Illinois Institute of Government and Public Affairs on the funding gap facing Illinois’ infrastructure. It cites an…


Several States Face Budget Impasses

The State of Illinois is often cited for its unique financial challenges. However, at least in one respect, Illinois does not stand alone in its financial difficulties. Illinois is one of four states that began the fiscal year without an…


Displaying Stark Divisions, Illinois Lawmakers Talk Chapter 9

This article reviews discussions surrounding the idea of allowing Illinois municipalities to file for chapter 9 bankruptcy. Earlier this year, the Civic Federation…


Looking for long-term budget fixes

This op-ed by State Representative Barbara Flynn Currie urges the Illinois General Assembly to adopt a budgeting approach that balances spending reductions with new revenues. It discusses several recommendations from the Civic Federation’s…


Why the state's stealth budget crisis is real

This column covers Illinois’ current budget stalemate and the programs and bills that can continue to be paid for without a formal operating budget, meaning the State is spending at FY2015 levels although its revenue has dropped. The Civic…


Rahm defends school budget hinged on $480M in Springfield pension help

This article discusses the FY2016 Chicago Public Schools budget passed by the Board of Education August 26 which relies on $480 million in State funding that has not been appropriated. The Civic Federation’s annual analysis…