

Chicago Public Schools Releases Scaled Back Capital Improvement Plan

On May 1, 2015, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) released their proposed FY2016 capital budget and an updated Five-Year capital improvement plan for FY2016-…


Governor's Budget Cuts Include Reducing and Eliminating Statutory Transfers

To help cope with a massive budget deficit as State resources continue to fall in the coming fiscal year, Governor Bruce Rauner has proposed reducing or ending some statutorily required transfers that provide funding for programs and…


Grading Rauner's first 100 days: hits, misses, a question of trust

The article looks at Governor Bruce Rauner’s first 100 days in office. On the State budget, the Civic Federation said most of the first 100 days has been spent addressing shortfalls in the current FY2015 budget rather than discussion on…


CPS' billion-dollar budget hole leaves unappealing options

This article examines the options available to Chicago Public Schools as it faces a $1 billion budget shortfall next year with little to no reserve funds. As…


State Construction and Local Tax Funds Allocated for Illinois Operating Budget

A week after passing legislation to address a $1.6 billion budget deficit before the end of the fiscal year in June, the State swept $300 million into its operating accounts from funds designated to pay for annual transportation…


Rauner pension math would mean big cuts for current state employees

This column discusses Governor Rauner’s pension reform proposal which accounts for $2.2 billion of the projected savings in his


Illinois Governor Proposes ‘Hard Freeze’ of Pension Benefits

Governor Bruce Rauner’s recommended budget for fiscal year 2016 includes a new plan for reducing the State…


Rauner plan could cost suburbs 25% of reserves

This article analyzes the health of the financial reserves of 90 northeastern Illinois suburbs in response to Governor Rauner’s FY2016 budget proposal that included reducing municipalities’ shares of State Income Tax revenues. The Civic…


Governor Proposes Shifting Capital Funding For Delayed Maintenance

Alongside his first operating budget proposed for the State of Illinois, Governor Bruce Rauner also recommended a capital budget for FY2016 that proposes shifting previously vetoed spending authority to pay for delayed maintenance at State…


Averting doomsday

This article discusses the budget Governor Rauner proposed earlier in February, which closes a $6.2 billion budget gap through program reductions and a pension reform proposal. The piece cites recommendations from the Civic Federation’s…