

CPS borrows $725 million at huge cost

This article examines a CPS bond sale that had been previously delayed. President of the Civic Federation, Laurence Msall comments that the 8.5 percent yield is due to a number of factors, one of which is the District’s poor credit…


Civic Federation 2016 Legislative Priorities

2016 Civic Federation Legislative Priorities The Civic Federation's legislative priorities for 2016 include …


City of Harvey can’t afford USD 15m loss in revenue

View the Article This article discusses the continued fiscal strain faced by the City of Harvey, a south Chicago suburb, and a potential need for…


The Task Force on Local Government Consolidation and Unfunded Mandates Makes its Recommendations to the Governor

The Civic Federation has long supported legislation aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations in Illinois by consolidating or abolishing redundant and/or anachronistic local governments.…


Chicago Lawmakers Say TIF Surplus Can Help Close CPS Budget Gap

This article reports on a proposal from local lawmakers that would use surplus TIF funds to close a portion of CPS’ budget deficit. Laurence Msall, President of the Civic Federation, commented on the need for a comprehensive plan to…


Next CPS budget will have an even bigger hole to fill: $800 million

This article discusses the current $480 million CPS budget shortfall, impacts of the budget gap and proposed short-term solutions. President of the Civic Federation, Laurence Msall, remarked on the necessity of a long-term plan to help…


Governor’s Budget Projection Shows Growth in Unpaid Bills

A new report by Governor Bruce Rauner’s administration projects that the State of Illinois’ backlog of unpaid bills could grow to $25.0 billion in FY2019 from $4.4 billion in FY2015 based on current tax and spending policies. The…


Why the State Budget Impasse Might Not End until Next Winter

This article reports on the signs indicating that the State of Illinois may not have a budget until later this calendar year. Civic Federation President, Laurence Msall, discusses the looming pressures to put an end to the budget impasse.


'Insolvent': City of Harvey is worse than broke, experts say

This article discusses that the city of Harvey, a south suburb of Chicago, is in serious financial trouble with millions of dollars unaccounted for. President of the Civic Federation, Laurence Msall, notes that the lack of records and…


Chicago Aldermen Put the Heat on Mayor Emanuel

This article discusses an upcoming Chicago City Council vote on $3 billion worth of bond issuances for 2016. Some Aldermen have called for more time in order for the new City Council independent budget expert to review all of the plans.…