State of Illinois FY2007 Recommended Capital Budget: An Overview
This report is a summary of Governor Blagojevich's proposed $9.95 billion FY2007 State of Illinois Capital Budget.
This report is a summary of Governor Blagojevich's proposed $9.95 billion FY2007 State of Illinois Capital Budget.
The Civic Federation supports the extension of the "7%" property tax cap for an additional three years, but does not support raising the EAV exemption maximum from $20,000 to $60,000.
The Civic Federation opposes the State of Illinois Recommended FY2007 operating budget because it takes a partial pension holiday of $1.1 billion at the same time as it increases spending for recurring programs by $1 billion.
The Civic Federation opposes the State of Illinois Recommended FY2007 operating budget because it takes a partial pension holiday of $1.1 billion at the same time as it increases spending for recurring programs by $1 billion.
The Civic Federation supports Assessor Houlihan's proposal to reduce Class 3 assessment levels from 26% to 20% of market value over three years, but cautions that this reduction is likely to have only a very modest effect on the supply of…
The Civic Federation's legislative priorities for 2006 include public pension reform, elimination of the Suburban Cook County Tuberculosis Sanitarium District, property tax exemptions and assessment reform, revision of the Regional…
The Civic Federation opposed Cook County's $3.076 billion budget because it failed to include long term management efficiencies and cost reduction measures.
The Civic Federation supported the MWRD's FY2006 Budget because it reduced its property tax levy by $4.4 million and continues to reduce personnel. The Federation recommended that the District pursue joint purchasing of prescription drugs…
The Civic Federation supported the City's holding the property tax levy constant for the third year in a row and eliminating vacancies, but was concerned by the lack of transparency regarding the funding for operations at Millennium Park,…
The Civic Federation supported the Chicago Park District's FY2006 Budget because the District did not raise its property tax levy this year, and continues to control personnel costs by cutting positions and restructuring its healthcare…