Taxes and Fees


A Consumer’s Guide to the Illinois State Sales Tax Increase

Starting today, increases in the taxation rates on soft drinks, personal grooming and hygiene products, and candy will take effect to help pay for…


Civic Federation Supports Prudent FY2010 Chicago Public Schools Budget

CHICAGO -- Citing reasonable measures taken by Chicago Public Schools to balance its $6.9 billion budget, the Civic Federation announced its support of the District’s FY2010 spending plan today. The District has cut personnel and proposed…


Chicago Public Schools FY2010 Recommended Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the $6.9 billion Chicago Public Schools FY2010 proposed budget. The District employed reasonable measures to balance its budget in light of a $473 million deficit, including cuts to personnel and a proposed…


Tip of the Iceberg

Today the Civic Federation released its analysis of Chicago Public Schools’ proposed FY2010 budget. On page 61 of the…


What has Chicago done with the Billions of Dollars in Long Term Asset Lease Proceeds?

Since 2004, the City of Chicago has transacted three major long term asset leases worth over $3.5 billion. The Chicago Skyway (2004) – A 99-year lease with Cintra-Macquarie with a transaction value of $1.83 billion. Downtown…


What the New CPS Budget Means for Teachers and Students

This segment on the news program “Eight Forty-Eight” examines Chicago Public Schools’ proposed FY2010 budget and the District’s underfunded pension system. It features an interview with Civic Federation President Laurence Msall, who says…


Chicago homeowners may get hit with another property tax increase

This nightly news segment about Chicago Public Schools’ proposal to raise property taxes in order to close a $500 million budget gap features Civic Federation Senior Research Associate Genevieve Nolan, who says that the proposed increase…


Schools seeking property tax hike

With the Chicago Public School system facing massive teacher pension liabilities in the next several years, the Civic Federation notes that fixing the pension tsunami will require drastic steps that might include reopening teacher…


City schools put tax hike on the board

In this article about the Chicago Public Schools’ proposed FY2010 budget, the Civic Federation points out that the District will not be raising its property tax levy to the maximum amount allowed by law, but notes that CPS faces enormous…


Where Do Your Property Tax Dollars Go?

Police, parks, streets, schools, community colleges, public hospitals, elections, courts, jails, mosquito abatement, sewage treatment…these are just a few of the services that, in Illinois, are provided by many different local governments…