Taxes and Fees


Property Tax Burden Up Across Northeastern Illinois Between 2007 and 2008

Chicago Retains Comparatively Low Effective Property Tax Rates (CHICAGO) The Civic Federation’s annual estimate of effective property tax rates in the six-county region of northeastern Illinois found that effective tax rates rose in 2008…


Civic Federation: Chicago Public Schools Budget is a Short-Term Solution to a Long-Term Crisis

Spending Plan Exposes District to Greater Financial Risk in the Future The Civic Federation supports the FY2011 proposed Chicago Public Schools budget of $6.5 billion as an adequate plan to close a large deficit and ensure continued access…


Chicago Public Schools FY2011 Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the Chicago Public Schools proposed $6.5 billion budget for FY2011, which is a reduction of 5.9% or $402.3 million from the proposed FY2010 budget. The proposed budget offers a short-term solution to the…


Effective Property Tax Rates 1999-2008: Selected Municipalities in Northeastern Illinois

This report compares effective property tax rates in selected communities around metropolitan Chicago and finds that while all communities’ effective tax rates increased in 2008, rates have mostly declined since 1999. The report also finds…


State of Illinois Owes $730 Million in Corporate Tax Refunds

It’s no secret that the financially troubled State of Illinois owes billions of dollars in unpaid bills. What is not as widely known is that the State also owes $730 million in corporate income tax refunds, according to the Illinois…


City Colleges Tuition Costs Still Competitive

On August 5, the Civic Federation released its analysis of the FY2011 City Colleges Tentative Annual Operating…


Parking Meters Company Posts Profit While City’s Bank is Low

This news segment details how the City of Chicago had only $2.7 million in reserves at the end of FY2009. The Civic Federation says the City should have cash reserves of at least $200 million given the size of its operating budget.


Reasonable City Colleges Budget Lessens Impact on Taxpayers, But Lacks Specific Plan to Bridge Future Budget Gaps

The Civic Federation will announce its support for the proposed $581.9 million FY2011 City Colleges of Chicago budget at a public hearing today. The Federation’s 41-page analysis found that the proposed budget plans a $3.0 million…


City Colleges of Chicago FY2011 Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the City Colleges FY2011 proposed budget totaling $581.9 million, which includes $454.4 million for the operating budget and $127.5 million for capital improvements. The City Colleges is proposing to reduce…


New TIF Transparency Reforms Enacted

A tax increment financing (TIF) transparency bill (Public Act 096-1335) passed by the Illinois legislature in May and signed into law by Governor Pat Quinn on…