Taxes and Fees


Consumer Taxes in Chicago: Increases and Updates for 2021

Annually the Civic Federation releases a report on consumer taxes in the City of Chicago. Consumer taxes are tied to the use or consumption of certain goods and services that can be charged directly to consumers through retail transactions…


Cook County’s Property Tax

Cook County government has historically kept its property tax levy relatively flat, especially when compared to the other largest government bodies in Cook County including the City of Chicago and Chicago Public Schools, both of which have…


The City of Chicago’s Property Tax Increase Proposal

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s proposed budget for the fiscal year starting January 1, 2021 includes a property tax increase of $93.9 million for a total property tax levy of $1.6 billion. This blog post will explore the three component…


Civic Federation Releases Issue Brief on the Graduated Income Tax Proposal

Earlier in 2020 the Civic Federation released a series of three


Civic Federation Releases Educational Issue Brief on Graduated Income Tax

Click here to read the full issue brief. Click here to view…


The Graduated Income Tax Proposal: An Issue Brief

Click here to read the full issue brief.Click here…


Civic Federation Position Statement on Proposed Illinois Constitutional Amendment for a Graduated Income Tax

This election cycle, Illinoisans have been presented with the option of amending the state constitution to allow for a graduated income tax. As proposed, the amendment represents a disappointing repeat of Illinois fiscal history. The…


Public Health System Seeks Increased Tax Support from Cook County

UPDATE: On September 21, the Cook County Health (CCH) Board approved by a vote of eight to three an amended FY2021 proposed budget with $40…


County and Municipal Cannabis Sales Taxes Go Into Effect July 1

Starting July 1, 2020, many Illinois cannabis consumers will see an increase in the taxes they pay on recreational cannabis as the Cannabis Retailers’ Occupation Tax that is allowed to be imposed by counties and municipalities goes into…


Cook County April Revenue Estimates Show Early Impact of COVID-19

Revenue estimates presented at the April 29, 2020 meeting of the…