Taxes and Fees


Here's Illinoying news for Indiana

This article discusses Illinois’ partial income tax rollback that took effect January 1 and compares Illinois’ new tax rates to…


Governor's Budget Projection Shows Consequences of Income Tax Rate Decline

A drop in Illinois’ income tax rates—and uncertainty about the implementation of pension changes—could cause the State’s backlog of unpaid bills to grow to $9.9 billion by the end of the 2016 budget year, according to a new forecast by…


Illinois faces sudden drop in state tax

This Marketplace Morning Report discusses the expiration of Illinois' temporary income tax increase on January 1, 2015. As discussed here, the reduction…


2014 Year in Review on the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability Blog

The following posts were among the most highly read on the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability’s blog in 2014 and represent the most closely followed Illinois fiscal issues of the year: State pension reform and the State budget…


How Property Taxes are Distributed in the City of Chicago

The Cook County Clerk’s Office annually releases a tax rate report that provides the tax rates for various taxing agencies within Cook County. It is important for property taxpayers to have an accurate picture of which governments receive…


Chicago City Council passes Emanuel's $7.3 billion budget

This article follows the passage of Chicago’s FY2015 budget by a 46-4 City Council vote. The Civic Federation supported the budget in its November 3 analysis…


Civic Federation Supports FY2015 Forest Preserve District Budget

Report applauds level of public input in planning, warns of declining pension health In a report released today, the Civic Federation supports the $187.4 million budget proposed by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. The…


Civic Federation Supports Cook County's FY2015 Budget

Full Report Discusses Recent Progress, Fiscal Uncertainty Ahead In a report released today, the Civic Federation supports Cook County’s proposed FY2015 operating budget of $3.7 billion and praises the work of Board President Preckwinkle…


Cook County FY2015 Executive Budget Recommendation: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports Cook County’s proposed FY2015 operating budget of $3.7 billion for holding the property tax levy relatively flat and not including any new fines or fees. Instead, a $168.9 million shortfall is closed…


Chicago mayor mum on looming pension issues in budget address

This article discusses Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s FY2015 Budget announcement for the…