Taxes and Fees


Estimated Effective Property Tax Rates 2004-2013: Selected Municipalities in Northeastern Illinois

This annual report compares estimated effective property tax rates in the six-county region of northeastern Illinois between 2004 and 2013, the last year for which data are available. Among the 12 selected Cook County communities…


Estimated Full Value of Real Property in Cook County: 2004-2013

This report provides estimates of the total market value of real property in Cook County from 2004-2013 and shows how property value is spread among the City of Chicago, the northern and the southern suburbs.The full market value of real…


Civic Federation Supports Metropolitan Water Reclamation District's FY2016 Tentative Budget

In an analysis released today, the Civic Federation announced it supports the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District’s Tentative FY2016 budget of $1.21 billion. The District proposes a reasonable, balanced budget while maintaining ample…


Metropolitan Water Reclamation District FY2016 Tentative Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation Supports the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District’s tentative budget of $1.21 billion for being reasonable and balanced while maintaining ample reserves and for its fiscal responsibility in properly funding pensions…


Mayor Emanuel on Taxes, Fees and Whether His Budget Will Pass

In this interview on the City of Chicago’s Proposed FY2016 Budget with Mayor Rahm Emanuel, the Mayor discusses the Civic Federation’s analysis of the…


Preckwinkle may junk proposed amusement tax hike

This article discusses the amusement tax changes presented as part of Cook County’s FY2016 Proposed Budget and the lack of support the amusement tax is seeing. It cites the…


Research Group Can't Stomach Cook County Sales Tax

This article reviews the Civic Federation’s analysis of Cook County’s FY2016 Proposed Budget. The Federation could not support the budget because the…


Cook County Board President to Propose New Hotel Tax Instead of Eliminating Amusement Tax Exemptions

UPDATE: On Monday, November 9, 2015, Cook County Board President Preckwinkle called a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners to address the Hotel Accommodations Tax. On Friday November 6, 2015, the Civic Federation discussed a Hotel…


Civic Federation Cannot Support Cook County's FY2016 Budget

One Percentage Point Sales Tax Increase Unreasonable Given Alternatives In a report released today, the Civic Federation announced it could not support Cook County’s proposed FY2016 budget of $4.5 billion because it is based on a one…


Cook County FY2016 Executive Budget Recommendation: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation cannot support Cook County’s proposed FY2016 budget of $4.5 billion because it is based on a one percentage point increase in the County’s sales tax…