

Cook County Health System’s FY2013 Budget Tied to Medicaid Expansion Plan

UPDATE: Cook County has received federal approval for a Medicaid expansion plan that is projected to bring in $99 million in net revenues in FY2013 and is a key component of the County’s FY2013 budget. The approval,…


Cigarette Tax Stamp Hoarding Lowers Revenues but Leaves Medicaid Funding Intact

A $1-per-pack cigarette tax increase enacted by the State of Illinois in June to help fund the State’s Medicaid program is bringing in far less revenue than originally expected and could fall short of projections by as much as $125.7…


Update on Section 25 Liabilities: Roughly $3.6 Billion in Deferred Bills in FY2012

Reflecting severe financial pressures, the State of Illinois pushed an estimated $3.6 billion of Medicaid and group health insurance bills from FY2012 into the current fiscal year. The new estimate is based on…


State to Seek General Assembly Approval for Medicaid Expansion

In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court decision on national healthcare reform, Illinois officials plan to seek authorization from the Illinois General Assembly to…


Cook County Health System Faces Continued Revenue Challenges

Cook County’s public health system faces significant financial challenges in fiscal year 2013, although the outlook could improve if the federal government signs off on…


For many state budgets, a year of relief

This article looks at the fiscal health of states around the country coming out of the recession. While many states are experiencing economic recovery, Illinois and California are still facing large budget gaps. The Civic Federation said…


Update on State’s Backlog of Unpaid Medicaid Bills

State of Illinois officials expect unpaid Medicaid bills to decline to $600 million by the end of the 2013 budget year, but that prediction depends on…


Op-ed: Illinois Lawmakers Must Do Better

The following opinion piece by Civic Federation President Laurence Msall was published by Crain's Chicago…


General Assembly Approves Legislation to Close Medicaid Funding Gap

This blog post was updated on June 4, 2012 to reflect corrected information. With just hours to go before a midnight adjournment deadline, the Illinois General Assembly has passed most components of a legislative package designed to…


Civic Federation Opposes Senate Bill 3564

On May 7, 2012, the Civic Federation sent this letter to Senator Gary Forby and the members of the Illinois General Assembly. Click here to read…