

Update on State’s Plan for Medicaid HMOs

The State of Illinois has unveiled more details about its plan to enroll elderly and disabled Medicaid recipients in health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and has announced that the plan is expected to save taxpayers nearly $200 million…


Despite Deficit State Spending Still Growing

The Civic Federation’s Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability recently released its examination of the State of Illinois’ enacted FY2010 budget. The analysis shows that the State already faces a two-year budget deficit going into…


Opposition Surfaces to Medicaid HMO Plan

A plan by Governor Pat Quinn’s administration to enroll elderly and disabled Medicaid recipients in health maintenance organizations (HMOs) has run into opposition from advocates for the disabled and is moving ahead more slowly than…


IIFS Blog Tracks Illinois Issues

Since its beginnings in July with the overhaul of the Civic Federation’s website, the IIFS blog has focused mostly on issues related to the Illinois budget, including…


Civic Federation 2010 Legislative Priorities

The Civic Federation's legislative priorities for 2010 include public pension reform, requiring state government to develop and implement performance measurement and a capital improvement plan, the dissolving of the Illinois International…


State Plans HMO Experiment for Elderly and Disabled in Medicaid

Governor Pat Quinn’s administration plans to begin enrolling elderly and disabled Medicaid recipients in Northeastern Illinois—excluding the City of Chicago—in health maintenance organizations (HMOs) in July of 2010. The pilot program,…


Low patient numbers key as threat of hospital closures looms

This article explores inefficiencies in the Cook County Health and Hospitals System and the effect that the partial rollback of the sales tax in Cook County may have on the System. The Civic Federation is quoted saying that the tax…


Illinois’ Fiscal Tilt-A-Whirl

For anyone who missed a last ride on the tilt-a-whirl when Kiddieland closed last month, a quick review of our state’s fiscal situation can provide a…


Update on Howe Developmental Center

While politicians, unions and other supporters of Howe Developmental Center fight to keep it open, a new report from the U.S. Justice Department has raised more questions about Howe’s viability.…


Medicaid Prescription Drug Abuse Alleged in Illinois and Other States

Tens of thousands of Medicaid recipients and doctors were involved in potentially fraudulent or abusive purchases of prescription drugs in 2006 and 2007 in five states, including Illinois, according to…