Government Budgets


State of Illinois FY2022 Recommended Operating and Capital Budgets: Analysis and Recommendations


Final Cook County Coronavirus Relief Fund Allocations

Cook County has accounted for all $429 million in Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) funding the County received through the federal CARES Act in 2020,…


Cook County Issues $500 Million In Bonds In January 2021


Cook County Preliminary Year-End Budget Results for FY2020

Despite large revenue losses associated with the economic downturn caused by COVID-19, Cook County’s preliminary 2020 budget results for the fiscal year that ended on November 30, 2020 show a positive year-end balance. Based on the…


Civic Federation Calls on Governor Pritzker to Veto House Bill 2451

On January 21, 2021, the Civic Federation sent the following letter to Illinois Governor JB Pritzker, urging him to veto…


Chicago Transit Authority 5-Year Capital Plan Totals $3.4 Billion

The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) released a $3.4 billion, five year FY2021-FY2025 capital plan in October 2020. The CTA prepares a…


Illinois Expects to Spend Its Entire Coronavirus Relief Allocation

UPDATE: The $900 billion relief bill passed by Congress on December 21 did not provide more financial assistance for state and…


City Continues to Move Forward with O'Hare Modernization Plan


City of Chicago Releases $11.7 Billion, Five-Year Capital Plan

On November 18, 2020, the City of Chicago released a multi-year capital plan for FY2021 through FY2025. The plan totals $…


With Revenue Projection Up, Illinois Still Faces Daunting Budget Challenges