Government Budgets


Civic Federation President: City Is Near Insolvency CBS Chicago

In this news segment about the City of Chicago's budget troubles, Civic Federation President Laurence Msall explains that the City must make tough choices to create a sustainable budget. Mr. Msall was a guest on WBBM's "At Issue" weekend…


Illinois’ State Pensions Still Worst Funded

The Pew Center on the States recently released its report card on the health of state pension systems. Just as they were last year, the…


Cost of State Employee and Retiree Health Insurance Attracts More Attention

Governor Pat Quinn’s recommended FY2012 budget for the State of Illinois proposes that General Funds appropriations for the State Employees’ Group Insurance…


City refills parking meter reserve fund

This article is about the City of Chicago's plan to replenish $50 million into its reserve fund due to slightly better-than-projected tax receipts. The Civic Federation says that despite the modestly good news, the City must still fill a $…


Tax Amnesty Program Update: Payments Up but New Revenue Low

Although the State of Illinois' FY2011 tax amnesty program brought in more than $700 million of delinquent tax payments owed by taxpayers and business, only $12 million of that revenue can be considered new funds. As previously discussed…


Bond Restructuring Key Strategy Used to Close Budget Gaps

  The three largest municipal governments analyzed by the Civic Federation are the Chicago Public Schools (CPS), the City of Chicago and Cook County. All three began their FY2011 budget processes projecting large budget shortfalls:…


Legislatively Required Transfers: Another Use of State General Operating Funds

General Funds represent the largest component of the State of Illinois budget and are mainly used to support the regular operating and administrative expenses of state agencies through annual appropriations by the General Assembly.…


Savings Accounts of Chicago Area Governments

The Civic Federation analyzes the budgets of nine Chicago area local governments. One important indicator that the Federation utilizes to assess the financial health of these municipalities is their fund balance level. In particular, we…


NewsViews: Chicago’s City Council

In this interview, Civic Federation President Laurence Msall and Chicago 32nd Ward Alderman Scott Waguespack discuss Chicago Mayor-elect Rahm Emanuel’s proposal to reduce the size of the Chicago City Council. Mr. Msall says that the City…


Illinois’s Quinn Says Budget-Cutting Governors Have It Wrong

This article profiles the fiscal troubles facing Illinois Governor Pat Quinn as he tries to balance the State’s budget. It…