Government Budgets


Library Hours

This panel discussion tackles recent changes to hours at the Chicago Public Library system. Civic Federation President Laurence Msall said that reductions to city services are a necessary part of eliminating Chicago’s deficit. Mr. Msall is…


Governor’s Three-Year Budget Projections: More Cuts and Looming Deficits

Governor Pat Quinn released a three-year budget projection for the State of Illinois this week that shows only minor improvements in the State’s…


Civic Federation Blog Provided Local Government Analysis and Recommendations for Fiscal Sustainability in 2011

 In 2011 the Civic Federation blog provided weekly context, information and perspective on government budgets and fiscal issues across Illinois.  Posts in 2011 focused on FY2012 local government budget analysis and the severe…


IIFS Blog Provided Timely Analysis of 2011 State of Illinois Fiscal Developments

In 2011 the IIFS blog provided weekly context, information and perspective on key fiscal issues in the State of Illinois. Posts in 2011 focused on analysis of FY2012 Illinois budget negotiations, analysis of the ongoing Illinois pension…


Civic Federation Releases Reports on Chicago-Area Governments’ Budgets

(The full text of this article is available only to the publication’s subscribers.) This article is an overview of the Civic Federation's analyses of the FY2012 budgets for the nine local governments it studies, as summarized in two recent…


Illinois Plans Up To $750M

This article discusses the State of Illinois’ upcoming issuances of general obligation bonds to fund its ongoing public works program. Plans include bond sales of between $500 million and $750 million on January 11 and additional bond…


States Reduce Automatic Annual Pension Increases for Retirees

In the past two years, nine states have passed laws to reduce automatic annual increases in pension benefits for current retirees. The latest example is Rhode Island…


City: Departments have overachieved at cutting their costs

The focus of this article is an announcement by Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s administration that it exceeded its budget-trimming goal by cutting $8 million more than the $75 million that was targeted in May. The Civic Federation said the…


State Grants Tax Breaks to Corporations and Individuals

On December 16, 2011, the Governor signed half of a tax incentive package that was sent to him earlier in the week by the legislature. The package of tax incentives had failed to advance earlier in the veto session. After splitting a…


Local Government Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Analysis Summary, Part II

Last week marked the end of the budget season for the nine local governments monitored by the Civic Federation. These governments include: the City Colleges of Chicago, Chicago Public Schools, DuPage County, City of Chicago, Cook…