Government Budgets


Chicago not Detroit, bond analysts say

This article discusses a Standard & Poor’s Rating Services report released February 27 that disputed comparisons between Chicago and Detroit, concluding Chicago has the ability to make the changes necessary to avoid bankruptcy. The…


Illinois Law Requires New Revenue Diversions from General Funds in FY2015

It is widely known that the State of Illinois faces a dramatic reduction in general operating revenue starting on January 1, 2015, when…


Cradle-to-Grave Debt Load Leaves No Chicagoan Free: Muni Credit

This article examines Chicago’s growing debt load due to unfunded pension liabilities and ongoing borrowing. The Civic Federation said Chicago’s level of debt is unsustainable and the City is short on time to find a solution. The article…


Improved Revenue in Current Year Means Steeper Cliff to Come

At a recent committee hearing, Illinois lawmakers were provided with a mixed message regarding the economy and State budget for the coming fiscal year. Officials from the Illinois Department of Revenue explained that although the State…


Chicago City Council Authorizes New Borrowing While City's Debt Per Capita Steadily Increases

This week the Chicago City Council granted the City authority to issue $900.0 million in general obligation bonds and $1.0 billion in Midway Airport revenue bonds. At the Finance Committee meeting on February 3, 2014, the City’s Chief…


Mayor seeks to borrow up to $900 million more

This article discusses a proposed ordinance for the City of Chicago to issue up to $900 million in general obligation bonds, with over $100 million used to push upcoming debt payments into the future. The Civic Federation said this…


How Well Do Chicago Area Local Government Capital Improvement Plans Follow Best Practices?

As a follow-up to the Capital Planning Overview, this blog post summarizes information contained in the Civic Federation’s FY2014…


Governor's Budget Projection Shows Illinois' Continuing Financial Woes

Despite savings from recently enacted pension reforms,…


2013 Year in Review on Civic Federation Blog

The following posts were among the most highly read on the Civic Federation blog in 2013 and represent some of the most closely followed local government issues this year:…


2013 Year in Review on the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability Blog

The following posts were among the most highly read on the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability’s blog in 2013 and represent some of the most closely followed Illinois fiscal issues this year:…