Government Budgets


Emanuel’s risky pension assumption forces city to borrow $220M

This article reports on payments made to Chicago's police and fire pension funds using $220 million in short-term borrowing. Laurence Msall, President of the Civic Federation, called the borrowing an unfortunate, expensive, yet…


Proposed Illinois Budget for FY2017 Has $3.5 Billion Gap

With the budget for the current fiscal year still incomplete, Governor Bruce Rauner proposed a financial plan for the next budget year with an operating deficit of $3.5 billion. The…


Editorial: "A reasonable blueprint"

This editorial discusses the eight-month Illinois budget impasse, calling on Illinois General Assembly leaders to aid in passing a budget. The Civic Federation’s


Editorial: Horrors ahead

This editorial features recommendations found in the Civic Federation’s FY2017 Budget Roadmap and discusses Illinois’ potentially bleak future if steps aren’t…


Civic Federation: Higher Taxes, Spending Limits Needed To Fix State Budget

This article highlights the Civic Federation’s FY2017 State of Illinois Budget Roadmap and its recommendations to help stabilize Illinois’…


Without budget in place, Rauner to propose next year's plan

This article discusses Governor Rauner’s Budget Address speech and the need to resolve the State’s current budget impasse. Laurence Msall, President of the Civic Federation notes that there is nothing easy about what the State faces.


Gov. Rauner To Give Budget Address As Stalemate Continues

This segment discusses Governor Rauner’s upcoming Budget Address and the budget impasse’s impact on Illinois service organizations. In addition to comments from Civic Federation President Laurence Msall, the piece also highlights…


More Warnings, Advice For Illinois Lawmakers

This article reports on the Civic Federation’s three-year plan to help stabilize Illinois’ budget. Laurence Msall, President of the Civic Federation, comments on…


Civic Federation: Illinois Needs $9.4 Billion in New Taxes by 2019 to Survive

This article discusses the initiatives highlighted in the Civic Federation’s FY2017 State of Illinois Budget Roadmap necessary to stabilize Illinois’ finances.…


Civic Federation lays out painful plan to stabilize Illinois finances

This article covers the release of the Civic Federation’ s FY2017 State of Illinois Budget Roadmap, released in advance of Governor Bruce Rauner’s forthcoming…