Government Budgets


Chicago Transit Authority FY2010 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the Chicago Transit Authority’s (CTA) proposed FY2010 budget of $1.29 billion. Facing significant public funding short falls, CTA plans to close its $300.9 million deficit with fare increases ranging from 25…


Painful CTA Budget Necessary to Overcome Plummeting Revenue, Senior Free Rides Says Civic Federation

The Civic Federation supports the Chicago Transit Authority’s proposed $1.29 billion FY2010 budget as an evenhanded response to significant declines in available revenues. The CTA will employ administrative cuts, fare increases, and…


Accelerated Cook County Public Hearing Schedule Hampers a Transparent Budget Process for FY2010

Last week Cook County…


Civic Federation: Repeal Unnecessary $377 M Cook County Sales Tax Hike

(CHICAGO) The Civic Federation opposes the proposed $3.0 billion FY2010 Cook County operating budget because it relies on an unnecessary one percentage point sales tax increase and makes little attempt to implement cost savings or…


Cook County FY2010 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation opposes Cook County’s $3.0 billion FY2010 operating budget because it is predicated on the continuation of an unnecessary one percentage point sales tax increase and provides limited evidence of cost-saving…


Weathering the Financial Storm in DuPage County

 The Civic Federation released its analysis of the FY2010 DuPage County budget yesterday. In it the Federation announced its support for the County’s proposed financial plan due in large part to the County’s ability to maintain…


State Budget Woes Hit Employee Health Plan

The State of Illinois’ fiscal crisis has had a major impact on the State’s employee health insurance plan, delaying payments on employee medical bills paid by the State for roughly seven months and causing the State to delay paying…


More Transparent DuPage Budget Reduces Property Taxes, Earns Civic Federation Support

(CHICAGO) The Civic Federation will announce its support for DuPage County’s $521.2 million proposed FY2010 budget at a public hearing on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 at 8:00 am. In contrast to many other local governments in northeastern…


DuPage County FY2010 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the $521.2 million FY2010 DuPage County budget proposal because it maintains funding for core programs while providing property tax relief. The County has additionally improved its budget planning process and…


Mayor Daley reveals more of budget plan

This news segment about Mayor Daley’s plans to close a $500 million City of Chicago budget gap with funds from the City’s privatization deals quotes the Civic Federation, which cautions that forecasted revenues for next year may not be…