Government Budgets


Civic Federation Sends Illinois Into Fiscal Rehab

Proposes Comprehensive Package to Address State Budget Crisis Please visit the Illinois Fiscal Rehabilitation Plan web page for a comprehensive look at the report. CHICAGO – The Civic…


Low Average Fare for CTA Reveals Ongoing Revenue Challenges

One of the Chicago Transit Authority’s ongoing fiscal challenges has been balancing the cost of providing rides on the CTA with the fares the Authority collects from its customers. CTA Board Chairman Terry Peterson announced at the…


Impact of the State of Illinois’ Fiscal Crisis

The State’s fiscal crisis is causing substantial difficulties for residents, state workers, state service providers and other governments. Budget cuts in early FY2010, which began July 1, led to…


Study puts state budget hole at $12.8 billion

This article discusses the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability at the Civic Federation’s finding that the Illinois two-year budget deficit will reach at least $12.8 billion by the end of FY2010 as a result of the loss of tax…


McPier seeks approval of debt-restructuring plan

This article is about the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority’s plans to restructure its debt because of declining tourist revenue. The Civic Federation says that the State of Illinois should look closely at the Authority’s plans…


New report puts Illinois $12.8 in the red

In this blog post, Crain’s Chicago Business columnist Greg Hinz examines the findings of an analysis conducted by the Civic Federation’s Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability’s of the FY2010 enacted State of Illinois budget,…


Lease the tollway? Voters say no way

This article considers the possible privatization of the Illinois tollway system as a way of increasing funds for capital investment across the State. The Civic Federation is quoted saying that leasing an asset can bring in much-needed…


Illinois, Under Siege, Turns to Big BAB Sale

This article examines the State of Illinois’ plan to sell $1 billion in Build America Bonds to raise funds for capital projects. The article mentions that Illinois will have a two-year deficit going into FY2011 of $12.8 billion as reported…


County health system spent $42 million less than budgeted in 2009

This article discusses how the Cook County Health and Hospital System ended 2009 $42 million under budget. The Civic Federation says that the Health System is showing progress under its new management and board.


Update on State’s Plan for Medicaid HMOs

The State of Illinois has unveiled more details about its plan to enroll elderly and disabled Medicaid recipients in health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and has announced that the plan is expected to save taxpayers nearly $200 million…