Government Budgets


Niles to Weigh Ban on Video Gaming Machines

This article follows a debate in the suburban community of Niles over whether to allow video gaming within city limits. The Civic Federation says that it opposes video gaming because it is an unreliable source of revenue for governments.


Budget OKd, but…

In this article about the Chicago City Council’s approval of Mayor Daley’s FY2011 City of Chicago budget of $6.15 billion, the Civic Federation warns that the next mayor will need to make major cuts to cope with the City’s pension…


Chicago Mayor’s $6.15 Billion Budget Gets City Council’s Approval

This article is about the approval of the FY2011 City of Chicago budget by the Chicago City Council. The Civic Federation points out that with passage of the budget, the City will have spent nearly 81% of the proceeds from $2.98 billion in…


Electronic Verification of Medicaid Eligibility Urged by State Officials

State of Illinois officials want to tighten procedures for Medicaid by using electronic data to verify eligibility—a step also viewed as crucial to deal with the surge in Medicaid enrollment expected under federal healthcare reform. On…


Chicago Park District FY2011 Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the Chicago Park District’s FY2011 proposed operating budget of $397.6 million. The District is proposing to hold the property tax levy flat and maintain expenditures at close to FY2010 levels by using…


Civic Federation Supports Proposed FY2011 Chicago Park District Budget

The Chicago Park District is to be commended for holding its property tax levy flat for the sixth straight year, says a Civic Federation report released today. The District will rely on non-tax revenues and a slight cut in staffing levels…


Future Effects of P.A. 96-0889 on Chicago Park District Pension System

   The Civic Federation released today its analysis of the Chicago Park District’s proposed FY2011…


State Revenues on Track for Moderate Growth in FY2011

The operating budget enacted by the State of Illinois for FY2011 is based on General Funds revenues projected to be slightly higher than last year’s, and so far actual monthly revenues appear to be on target to meet or exceed these…


Final Civic Federation Property Tax Primer Evaluates Effectiveness of Cook County Property Tax System

(CHICAGO) The final installment in the Civic Federation’s four-part educational series describing and evaluating the Cook County property tax system was published today. “The growing complexity of the property tax system in Cook County…


The Cook County Property Tax System and Fundamental Principles of Taxation

This report describes basic principles of taxation and evaluates how these principles are manifested in the Cook County property tax system. The purpose of the report is descriptive, not prescriptive. It examines the operation of basic tax…