Financial Indicators


State Pension Funding Dips to 39%

The financial condition of the State of Illinois’ five retirement systems worsened in FY2012, with the systems’ total unfunded liability growing to $96.8 billion as of June 30, 2012 and the combined funded ratio declining to 39.0%. The…


Current Ratio in Large Cities

This blog continues the Civic Federation’s examination of indicators that can be used to assess the financial health of local governments. The Federation is working on a project comparing the City of Chicago with a group of thirteen large…


Debt Service Expenditure Ratio in Large Cities

This blog continues the Civic Federation’s examination of indicators that can be used to assess the financial health of local governments. The Federation is working on a project that compares the City of Chicago with a group of thirteen…


Operating Deficit Ratio in Large Cities

This blog continues the Civic Federation’s examination of indicators that can be used to assess the financial health of local governments. The Federation is working on a project that compares the City of Chicago with a group of thirteen…


GASB 54: New Standards for Fund Balance Reporting

In order to address sometimes inconsistent application of reporting standards for fund balance by governments, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued GASB Statement…


Continuing Services Ratio in Large Cities

The Civic Federation is working on a project to examine indicators that can be used to assess the financial health of local governments. Previously, this…


Civic Federation Blog Provided Local Government Analysis and Recommendations for Fiscal Sustainability in 2011

 In 2011 the Civic Federation blog provided weekly context, information and perspective on government budgets and fiscal issues across Illinois.  Posts in 2011 focused on FY2012 local government budget analysis and the severe…


IIFS Blog Provided Timely Analysis of 2011 State of Illinois Fiscal Developments

In 2011 the IIFS blog provided weekly context, information and perspective on key fiscal issues in the State of Illinois. Posts in 2011 focused on analysis of FY2012 Illinois budget negotiations, analysis of the ongoing Illinois pension…


Fund Balance Levels in Large Cities

A government’s fund balance represents savings that it has accumulated and is an important indicator of fiscal health. Previously this blog compared the fund…


Local Government Finance in Northeastern Illinois: FY2000-FY2003

This report examines trends in expenditures, revenues, fund balance, personnel, and long-term debt for 1099 local governments in Cook, Lake, DuPage, Kane, McHenry, and Will counties. It includes aggregate data on counties, forest preserve…