

Illinois Governor Confronts Budget Woes

Civic Federation President Laurence Msall was interviewed for this news segment about Illinois' severe budget troubles on National Public Radio's "All Things Considered" program. He says that Illinois' fiscal issues do not stem from the…


IIFS Blog Tracks Illinois Issues

Since its beginnings in July with the overhaul of the Civic Federation’s website, the IIFS blog has focused mostly on issues related to the Illinois budget, including…


Why Intergenerational Equity Matters to Taxpayers

Taxpayers should get what they pay for, and pay for what they get—that is the core notion behind intergenerational equity in government. When governments live within their means, balancing revenues and expenditures without hoarding excess…


Study: Ill. In fiscal mire

This article about a report on the States in the worst fiscal condition by the Pew Center on the States quotes the Civic Federation in its profile of Illinois’…


Governor Quinn’s Deal with the CTA and RTA is Fiscally Irresponsible

The Civic Federation has enormous concerns about the fiscal risks associated with Governor Quinn’s “deal” to avoid CTA fare increases. Under the proposal, the Regional Transportation Authority will issue General Obligation bonds worth $83…


Chicago Transit Authority FY2010 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the Chicago Transit Authority’s (CTA) proposed FY2010 budget of $1.29 billion. Facing significant public funding short falls, CTA plans to close its $300.9 million deficit with fare increases ranging from 25…


Use of Education Stimulus Money in Illinois Raises Concerns

A new report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) says that more information is needed to determine whether local school districts that receive federal stimulus money…


The Check is (Not) in the Mail

The Governor’s office recently published its first official document that included details of the revenues and expenditures approved by the General Assembly for FY2010 fiscal year. The Official Statement accompanying the sale of $1.25…


A Consumer’s Guide to the Illinois State Sales Tax Increase

Starting today, increases in the taxation rates on soft drinks, personal grooming and hygiene products, and candy will take effect to help pay for…


The Elephant in the Room

Earlier this spring the Civic Federation opposed the $26 billion capital plan proposed by Governor Quinn because it was…