

Civic Federation Statement on Illinois Capital Planning Process

The State of Illinois has not had a major capital plan for a decade, and it is clear that capital needs are outpacing resources. While there is near universal agreement, including by the Civic Federation, that significant investment is…


State of Illinois FY2020 Recommended Operating and Capital Budgets: Analysis and Recommendations

Click here to read the full report.


Civic Federation – Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Conference on Financing Illinois’ Infrastructure

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and the Civic Federation co-hosted a sold-out conference earlier this month on the timely topic of infrastructure spending in Illinois. Speakers from around the country discussed best practices in…


Will Illinois’ Next Capital Bill be a Boon or a Boondoggle?

It has been ten years since Illinois’ last major capital bill, but a new one may come as soon as…


State of Illinois FY2020 Budget Roadmap

Click here to read the full report. Click here to…


Analysis of the State of Illinois FY2019 Enacted Budget

The Illinois General Assembly passed a budget for fiscal year 2019 on May 31, 2018 and Governor Rauner signed it into law on June 4, 2018. The Institute for Illinois' Fiscal Sustainability has since then continued to analyze the enacted…


Civic Federation 2019 Legislative Priorities

2019 Civic Federation Legislative Priorities The Civic Federation's legislative priorities for 2019 …


Why lawmakers might finally pass a bill to address the state’s crumbling transportation infrastructure

This article reports that there is growing bipartisan support for a capital plan in Springfield. The State of Illinois has not had a comprehensive capital plan since Illinois Jobs Now!, passed in 2009. Meanwhile, the…


Enacted Illinois FY2019 Budget Part III: Capital Spending and Debt Management

Following the enactment of the State of Illinois FY2019 budget on June 4, the Civic Federation blog has analyzed the potential impact on the…


Illinois Passes Budget on Time; Fiscal Challenges Remain

After three years of political gridlock and missed deadlines, the Illinois General Assembly passed a budget for the…