State of Illinois


Governor’s Budget Address Officially Postponed to March 6, 2013

After months of uncertainty, the date of Governor Pat Quinn’s budget address for FY2014 was officially postponed through action by the Governor on the same day it was originally required by law to be delivered.   Although the later…


State’s Unpaid Group Health Insurance Bills to Rise in FY2013

Even though the Illinois General Assembly recently appropriated an additional six months of funding for State group health insurance, unpaid bills relating to the program are expected to increase by more than $200 million to $1.6 billion…


Medicaid Expansion in Illinois: Costs and Benefits

The State of Illinois, like other states, is faced with a decision on whether to expand its Medicaid program in…


State Capital Funding Remains Low After Canceled Bond Sale

State bond funding for infrastructure projects in Illinois is running out after a $500 million issuance was pulled from the market earlier this week. The bond sale was cancelled due to concerns about higher than expected interest rates…


State’s Bond Rating Downgraded in Advance of $500 Million Bond Sale

UPDATE: In the face of unfavorable market conditions triggered by the downgrade of its bond rating last week, the State of Illinois announced that it would not complete the bond sale originally scheduled for today, January 30, 2013. A…


Civic Federation 2013 Legislative Priorities

 The Civic Federation's legislative priorities for 2013 include public employee pension and retiree healthcare reforms, requiring the State of Illinois to develop and implement a capital improvement plan, dissolving the Illinois…


Governor’s Projection Shows Impact of Income Tax Rollback

A new three-year budget projection for the State of Illinois by Governor Pat Quinn’s administration shows that significant spending reductions will…


Unfinished Business Looms at the Close of the 97th General Assembly

The 97th Illinois General Assembly’s closing session ended on January 9, 2013, leaving many questions unresolved about the State’s current budget year and fiscal sustainability in the face of its…


Analysis of Pension Reform Proposal Shows Significant State Savings

A pension reform proposal introduced in the Illinois General Assembly late last year could immediately reduce the State’s required annual contributions by nearly $2 billion, according to recent actuarial reports. As discussed…


Joint Statement from Chicago Civic Groups Urging Pension Reform

At a press conference on January 3, the Civic Federation joined with a group of other civic organizations including the Better Government Association, the Metropolitan Planning Council and the Chicago Urban League to urge the Illinois…