State of Illinois


State of Illinois Group Health Insurance Bills Climb to More than $2 Billion

As Illinois enters the sixth month of fiscal year 2016 without a budget, the backlog of unpaid group health insurance bills has reached more than $2 billion and is likely to grow…


Chicago Park District FY2016 Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the Chicago Park District’s proposed FY2016 operating budget of $458.1 million that reduces the District’s reliance on one-time revenue sources and accommodates increased employer pension contributions for the…


New Plan for the State of Illinois to Borrow for Operating Costs Advances

In the absence of a budget for FY2016, the State of Illinois is moving forward with a plan to issue debt through the Illinois Finance Authority to fund some essential operating expenses. However, the…


Proposed State of Illinois Pension Contributions to Increase by $288.8 Million in FY2017

The State of Illinois’ contributions to its five pension funds will rise by $288.8 million to $7.8 billion in the next budget year, according to preliminary estimates by the retirement systems. The proposed 3.8% increase will add to the…


Illinois Hit with Downgrades as Budget Stalemate Continues

Two of the three major rating agencies have cut the State of Illinois’ bond ratings due to its ongoing budget crisis and worsening financial condition. These downgrades make Illinois the only state credit currently rated below the ‘A’…


Will the State of Illinois Run Out of Money?

With Illinois operating without a budget for more than three months, concerns have arisen about whether the State is going to run…


What is the General Homestead Property Tax Exemption?

On September 22, 2015, Mayor Rahm Emanuel released the City of Chicago FY2016 Budget, which includes a nearly $1.3 billion property tax levy, an increase of $427.7 million over the originally adopted FY2015 budget. The property tax levy…


Video Gaming Continues to Grow in Illinois While Casinos and Lottery Falter

Revenue collected by the State of Illinois from the largest two areas of legal gaming in the State, riverboat casinos and lottery, both declined significantly in fiscal year 2015 while the State’s more recently implemented video gaming…


Cook County Health’s FY2016 Budget Focuses on Outpatient Care

On September 9, 2015, the Cook County Board of Commissioners approved the preliminary…


Several States Face Budget Impasses

The State of Illinois is often cited for its unique financial challenges. However, at least in one respect, Illinois does not stand alone in its financial difficulties. Illinois is one of four states that began the fiscal year without an…