Other Governments


Waterways for Our Future: Governance and Finance

This portion of Waterways for the Future study analyzes the finance, governance and administration of the MWRD and makes recommendations for improvement.


Waterways for Our Future: Executive Summary

A collaborative study of issues from the Civic Federation, the Openlands Project and Friends of the Chicago River related to the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD)'s wastewater treatment practices, its landholding and disposal…


Property Tax Exemptions: A Survey and Analysis of State and Local Laws and Procedures

This is a summary of the survey and analysis of local government assessing practices and procedures regarding the granting of property tax exemptions to nonprofit organizations. The report includes information drawn from a survey of 438…


Status of Local Pension Funding 1998: An Evaluation of Nine Local Pension Funds within Cook County & the Five Collar County Funds in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund

A 6-year trend analysis of indicators that measure the financial health and performance of 9 major local government pension funds from 1993 to 1998.


Chicago Park District FY2000 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supported the Chicago Park District's FY2000 Budget because it continued the District's trend toward privatization and increased management efficiencies. The District did not increase the property tax levy and…


Chicago Transit Authority FY2000 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

For the second year in a row, The Civic Federation supported the Chicago Transit Authority's budget based upon the CTA's focused, strategic efforts to attract new riders after years of declining ridership, while expressing a concern over…


City Colleges of Chicago FY2000 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation's initial analysis of the City Colleges of Chicago FY2000 budget expressed a broad concern that over the past 5 years, expenditures have out-paced revenues, leading to a decrease in the CCC's fund balance.


Status of Local Pension Funding 1997: An Evaluation of Nine Local Pension Funds within Cook County & the Five Collar County Funds in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund

This report compares the unfunded liabilities and funded ratios of the nine local pension funds: the Fire, Police, Municipal, Teacher, Park, MWRD, County, Forest and Laborer Funds. In addition, it analyzes the health of the five collar…


Chicago Park District FY1999 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation generally supported the Chicago Park District's FY1999 budget for avoiding a property tax increase and continuing to shift resources from administration to recreation. However, the analysis also warns the District to…


Chicago Transit Authority FY1999 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supported the Chicago Transit Authority's FY1999 budget and its plans to attract new riders. The Federation also applauded the CTA for addressing critical capital needs that would allow the CTA to provide better and…