Other Governments


Forest Preserve District of Cook County FY2010 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the FY2010 Forest Preserve District of Cook County budget of $198.2 million because the District will reduce its property tax levy by $1.1 million and use a portion of its budget reserve funds, rather than…


Governor Quinn’s Deal with the CTA and RTA is Fiscally Irresponsible

The Civic Federation has enormous concerns about the fiscal risks associated with Governor Quinn’s “deal” to avoid CTA fare increases. Under the proposal, the Regional Transportation Authority will issue General Obligation bonds worth $83…


Measuring Productivity at the Chicago Transit Authority

While the Civic Federation traditionally analyzes features common to all local government budgets, our…


Chicago Transit Authority FY2010 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the Chicago Transit Authority’s (CTA) proposed FY2010 budget of $1.29 billion. Facing significant public funding short falls, CTA plans to close its $300.9 million deficit with fare increases ranging from 25…


Weathering the Financial Storm in DuPage County

 The Civic Federation released its analysis of the FY2010 DuPage County budget yesterday. In it the Federation announced its support for the County’s proposed financial plan due in large part to the County’s ability to maintain…


DuPage County FY2010 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the $521.2 million FY2010 DuPage County budget proposal because it maintains funding for core programs while providing property tax relief. The County has additionally improved its budget planning process and…


CTA Enhances Transparency of its Procurement Activities with an Online Database

The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) recently implemented a vendor database that allows members of the public to search for vendor and contract information on the CTA website. The database…


Of the People, For the People, By the People

On Monday September 28, 2009 the Civic Federation attended the second of three public hearings held by DuPage County regarding its recently-released FY2010 financial plan. This was the first year that the County has held formal, separate…


Preserving the Forest Preserve

The Civic Federation sent a letter today to the Board of Forest Preserve Commissioners, which is also the Cook County Board of Commissioners, urging them to reject a request by the Village of Hinsdale for 30 acres of Forest Preserve…


Effective Property Tax Rates 1999-2007: Selected Municipalities in Northeastern Illinois

This report compares effective property tax rates in selected communities around metropolitan Chicago and finds that many communities experienced a slight increase in their property tax burden in 2007. However, Chicago continues to have…