City of Chicago FY2003 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations
The Civic Federation commended the City of Chicago for avoiding any broad based tax increases in its efforts to balance the $4.7 billion FY2003 budget.
The Civic Federation commended the City of Chicago for avoiding any broad based tax increases in its efforts to balance the $4.7 billion FY2003 budget.
The Civic Federation supported the proposed FY2002 City of Chicago budget of $4.6 billion because: the budget did not include any broad-based tax increases; it eliminated 538 vacant positions for a net savings of $22 million; it cut 5%…
A 6-year trend analysis of indicators that measure the financial health and performance of 9 major local government pension funds from 1995 to 2000.
The Civic Federation did not oppose the City of Chicago's FY2001 because the City used conservative revenue projections and limited reductions in personnel. The statement also out-lined the Federation's concern with the City's future…
This is a summary of the survey and analysis of local government assessing practices and procedures regarding the granting of property tax exemptions to nonprofit organizations. The report includes information drawn from a survey of 438…
A 6-year trend analysis of indicators that measure the financial health and performance of 9 major local government pension funds from 1993 to 1998.
The Civic Federation criticized the City of Chicago's FY2000 budget for proposing a 4.2% increase in the property tax levy, as well as a number of fee increases, without adequately attempting to decrease spending through expenditure…
This report compares the unfunded liabilities and funded ratios of the nine local pension funds: the Fire, Police, Municipal, Teacher, Park, MWRD, County, Forest and Laborer Funds. In addition, it analyzes the health of the five collar…
The Civic Federation's analysis of the City of Chicago's FY1999, $4.5 billion budget, supports the proposed decrease in the property tax levy while warning that the City must also prepare for an inevitable economic downturn.
A 6-year trend analysis of indicators that measure the financial health and performance of 9 major local government pension funds from 1991 to 1996.