Chicago Public Schools


Status of Local Pension Funding Fiscal Year 2006: An Evaluation of Ten Local Government Pension Funds in Cook County

This report provides a trend analysis of indicators that measure the financial health and performance of ten major local government pension funds from 1997 to 2006. It finds a combined 18.3 billion dollars in unfunded liabilities for the…


Chicago Public Schools FY2008 Recommended Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation gives qualified support to the Chicago Public Schools Recommended 5.8 billion dollar FY2008 operating budget. The District has made efforts to contain costs and improve budget transparency. However, the Civic…


Strengthening the Financial Accountability of Illinois School Districts: A Report of the Education Reform Committee of the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus

This report compares Illinois school districts' financial management and accountability standards with nationwide best practices, and makes policy recommendations regarding steps Illinois should take to ensure greater financial…


Status of Local Pension Funding Fiscal Year 2005: An Evaluation of Ten Local Pension Funds in Cook County

This report provides a trend analysis of indicators that measure the financial health and performance of ten major local government pension funds from 1997 to 2005. It finds a combined 16.5 billion dollars in unfunded liabilities for the…


Chicago Public Schools FY2007 Recommended Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation opposes the Chicago Public Schools Recommended $5.3 billion FY2007 operating budget because it lacks long-term planning and transparency.


Status of Local Pension Funding Fiscal Year 2004: An Evaluation of Ten Local Pension Funds in Cook County

This report provides a trend analysis of indicators that measure the financial health and performance of ten major local government pension funds from 1997 to 2004. It finds a combined $14.4 billion in unfunded liabilities for the ten…


GASB 43 and 45 Reporting Guidelines For Other Post Employment Benefits: A Civic Federation Issue Brief

This issue brief provides a "plain English" description of how GASB 43 and 45 will require government financial reporting on non-pension post-employment benefits (OPEB). It is illustrated with preliminary estimates of unfunded OPEB…


Chicago Public Schools FY2006 Recommended Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the FY2006 Chicago Public Schools budget as a short-term plan to address the current year’s fiscal and programmatic challenges. It expresses concern about the budget’s lack of basic transparency, and warns of…


Status of Local Pension Funding 2003: An Evaluation of Nine Local Pension Funds within Cook County

This report provides a trend analysis of indicators that measure the financial health and performance of 9 major local government pension funds from 1998 to 2003. It finds a combined $9.7 billion in unfunded liabilities for the nine funds.


Chicago Public Schools FY2005 Recommended Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation was pleased with some elements of the $5.05 billion CPS budget, but also identified several areas of concern and opposed the $50 million maximum allowable increase in the property tax levy.