Event Detail

Civic Federation 2010 Annual Meeting

Event on November 10, 2010

The Civic Federation Board of Directors annual meeting, hosted by Aon Corporation, served as a welcome to new members who will help guide the Federation’s research into 2011 as well as a chance to celebrate the Federation’s many accomplishments in 2010.

The Board adopted the Federation’s research and legislative agendas for the next year. Click here to read the legislative priorities for 2011.

The special guest speaker for the meeting was Congressman Mike Quigley, who discussed the challenges facing state and local governments. Congressman Quigley explained in detail how the Federal government is becoming less well-equipped to help states in declining fiscal health. He then answered a range of questions from members.

This meeting also served as a passing of the Civic Federation Board Chairman torch. Thomas J. McNulty, Partner at Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP, and Board Chairman for the past two years, handed off his Board leadership duties to the newly-elected Civic Federation Chairman Thomas Livingston, Resident Vice President at CSX Transportation. Mr. McNulty was presented with an original 19th century print as recognition for his service to the Federation. The Civic Federation also thanks long-time Vice Chairman A.G. Anglum of Harris Bank for her many years of service. Susan McKeever, an attorney at law, and Eileen Mitchell of AT&T were elected as new Civic Federation Vice Chairmen.

The Civic Federation would like to thank Board Member Michael O’Brien for hosting this meeting at the offices of Aon Corporation.

(L to R) Civic Federation Chairman Thomas Livingston, immediate past Chairman Thomas J. McNulty and Civic Federation President Laurence Msall.

Congressman Mike Quigley addresses the Civic Federation Board.

Meeting attendees in the Aon Corporation conference room.