The City of Chicago currently faces mounting fiscal challenges, with a projected FY2025 budget gap of $982.4 million. A significant contributor to the City’s rising costs is its rising debt burden over time. More information about the City…
The Civic Federation today released a position paper calling on the Illinois General Assembly to pursue foundational structural reform of Northeastern Illinois’ mass transit systems—…
With Northeastern Illinois’ transit agencies facing an estimated $730 million fiscal cliff in FY2026, the Civic Federation calls on the Illinois General Assembly to consolidate the Regional Transportation Authority, Chicago Transit…
The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recently published a report entitled Should We Rethink Reserves? A…
This blog post examines the Chicago Public Schools’ contributions to the Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund in the FY2023 budget and the funding status of the Pension Fund based…
(CHICAGO) In a report released today, the Civic Federation announced support for Cook County’s proposed FY2019 budget. The $5.9 billion budget proposal is structurally balanced without raising new taxes and continues the practice of making…