The Civic Federation and the Union League Club hosted a series of three forums about the issues surrounding a "Con-Con" on March 18, April 10, and May 15, 2008. The focus of the first forum was the structure of Illinois government and featured James D. Nowlan, senior fellow, University of Illinois Institute of Government and Public Affairs and Steven F. Pflaum, partner, McDermott Will & Emery and general counsel, Chicago Bar Association as panel speakers.
The panelists in the second forum discussed state and local government financial issues. Professor Dawn Clark Netsch of Northwestern University Law School and Mr. Michael Lovett of PricewaterhouseCoopers spoke on the first panel about state financial issues. Professor Rebecca Hendrick of UIC and Mr. William Stafford of Evanston Township High School presented the second panel on local government finance topics. Professor Ann Lousin of the John Marshall Law School moderated both forums.
In the third forum, Dr. David Cohen of the University of Michigan and Mr. William O'Connor of Career Education Corporation discussed education funding and reform issues. Dr. Cohen gave attendees a national and international perspective on education reform initiatives. Mr. O'Connor, a former Illinois State Representative, discussed the legislative logistics and difficulties of education reform in Illinois, including work he did in the General Assembly and as a member of the Burnham Group, an educational reform organization.
James D. Nowlan and Steven F. Pflaum answer questions at the end of the first forum
Civic Federation President Laurence Msall introduces the panelists for the second Constitutional Convention Forum on Government Finance Issues (L to R) Laurence Msall, Dawn Clark Netsch, Michael Lovett, William Stafford, and Rebecca Hendrick
Dr. David Cohen and Former Illinois State Representative Bill O'Connor
Forum Moderator Ann Lousin
Forum attendees in the Crystal Room at the Union League Club
Civic Federation member Dawn Clark Netsch and Board member Michael Lovett discuss Illinois finances with attendees after the second forum